Tuesday 31 January 2012


So, the other day over a cuppa, my friends and I were discussing what we can only assume is the new cult: the cult of purple houses.

They’re popping up all over the place, but at the same time; quite randomly. 

None of us could understand the attraction to these said purple houses, either.  For the life of us, we could not understand why someone would paint their house purple.  It’s like the most random, out there colour we could imagine.  Yet, when done well, looks absolutely smashing.

We are all traditionalists, if not fundamentally boring, in our house colour selection.  Between us, if we don’t have brick or sandstone houses, we have cream/white weatherboard ones.  Mine would have been the most extreme, with cream boards, a blue roof, and terracotta coloured guttering.  WOOT! I live on the edge!

However, the purple house phenomenon seems to be, like Hello Kitty, slowly taking over the world.

We could name quite a few suburbs where we had seen random purple houses.  Now, we’re not talking the funky modern rendered house with an eggplant-purple feature façade.  Oh no! We’re talking the entire house painted purple, as in this photo.

So, we were wondering if the purple house meant something, like a code of some kind.  If people saw the purple house, it was like a ‘sign’ for something.

Like, we all know what a red light at the front door means, don’t we?  Well, were wondering the purple house was the new red light?  What if the purple house meant you could come here and get some lovin’ (at a price, of course).

Or maybe it was code for ‘this is where you could come to buy some drugs n’ stuff’?  That would explain why these houses are so random, so spread apart and there is like one in every suburb.  It’s the place to go for lovin’ and drugs. 

‘You can’t be serious…’ one of my girls said.  ‘Instead of red light, we have purple house?’

‘Why not?’ said another one and we all started giggling like a pack of primary school girls staring at a Justin Beiber poster.  ‘What if it is?’

‘We don’t know the people that are in these houses…’ I said.  ‘It could be that they simply have no taste.’

‘You need to blog and find out if this is code, Lee.’ One of my friends said.  ‘I feel a blog coming on!’ and we all started laughing our heads off.

‘I will tap one of my reliable sources first, before I blog about this.’ I said confidently.  ‘I will get to the bottom of this, I will.’

So, convinced that this is what it actually was all about, I went to the most reliable source I could find, to research and confirm our suspicions.  Yes my friends; I went to Google.

How disappointing that was.

I’ve learnt that purple houses are often used in movie sets, particularly for young children or young teenage girls, as the colour is pleasing and funky.

It is also a colour used by a chain of beauty outlets and natural therapies, restaurants, historic buildings, child care facilities and tourist attractions.

What also discovered, and much to my amusement, is that someone out there clearly has the same fascination with purple houses that we did, and has created a blog where they post up pictures of the purple houses they discover in their travels! Awesome!

However, not a single mention of red lights or drugs anywhere. 

How terribly disappointing.

In fact, I feel awful because some purple houses are used as child care facilities, and I now have visions of crack addicts walking up the front steps of a child care centre, looking for a hit and some cheap love.  Jesus….

So clearly, our theory was completely wrong.  COMPLETELY WRONG.  *sigh*

So, I ask you this, my blog reading peeps: do you have a purple house in your suburb?  Do you live in a purple house?  Do you understand the attraction to a purple house, or why someone would decorate their house so?

If so, please explain it to me, because I’m totally lost.

Purple peace out.


  1. first look up the symbolic meaning of purple, then find out all about it's very literal strength, then ask yourself again- "who would paint a house purple?" I bet you figure it out. :)

  2. Purple is the colr of royalties,wealth and GOD wore purple. Id love to live in a purple house. Change up the boring mundane, traditional neighborhood.
