Friday 20 January 2012


Gaaa…. When I read this, I inwardly groaned.

A mission statement?  You’ve got to be fucking kidding me?


Well, it is a challenge, after all.  Time to step up to it.

So, the challenge set down was to create a family mission statement.  To get Charlie on board with this would be near impossible, and considering Jade is over us and moving to Queensland at the end of the year, no point trying to pull her into the project either.

Sure, I could harass both of them, but I understand my family’s tendencies, and asking them to partake in this is a waste of time.  I know that sounds terribly defeatist, but I’m a realist that fully understands the way my husband and step-daughter work.  They would just laugh at me and go ‘whatever’, and the result would be a half-arsed attempt at some touchy-feely crap they don’t understand or even care about.  Blunt, but accurate.

With this in mind, I had another idea.  I’m going to focus on a personal mission statement. 

The challenge presented gives me the option to do so, and this introduces an opportunity to further reflect upon myself and my values, and where I want to head in my life.

Sure, it sounds very singular, but just because I’m heading in a certain direction, doesn’t mean that my household will become unhappy or dysfunctional (any more than it already is, anyway), nor does it mean the total dissolution of my life.

What it could provide, is clarity and focus.

So, a personal mission statement.  What do I need to consider for this?  Well, looking back at the past two challenges, I would suggest reviewing my experiences from last year, and what I learnt from them, combined with my core values, would be a good place to start.

However, there is one other question: where do I want to go from here?  What kind of person do I think I am, and do I want to be?  What is the mission I need to focus on?

The thought struck me: I’m going to create this personal mission statement with a time limit: one year.  At the end of the year, I will assess it again, and see if I have stayed the course, or if I need to change gear in some way.  Maybe I will be in a position where I have transcended my mission, and need to step up to the next level somehow.  Or maybe I will have completely run off the rails, and need a kick in the pants.  Either way, this statement may just be the life raft I need to cling to.

So, considering the lessons from last year and core values, I think I also need to look at my life right now.  What’s going on in it, what I can see happening over the next twelve months, and how I will handle it.

As I briefly mentioned before, Jade has decided she’s had enough of Victorian life, and is going to move up to Queensland at Christmas time, to live with her mother.  I will reserve the greater explanation of that for another blog.

So, I anticipate that Jade’s departure will bring about a lot of changes to our humble home.  A father will have ‘lost’ his child (as he sees it), and the shoe will be on the other foot for him.  He will be dealing with a spiteful, money hungry wife that will be hell bent on making his life as difficult as possible, just for the sake of it.  His daughter will fade into the distance, and forget about her family down here, as she tends to do when she is on holidays up there.

However, I think Charlie has his head firmly wrapped around the reality of the situation: Jade and her mother do not.  They will certainly be in store for a shock, particularly with their considerable and unresolved past.  Mmmm…. I’m glad I’ll have NSW to insulate us from that maelstrom.

So, I’ve digressed, and I apologise.

My personal mission statement.  After many drafts and much consideration, this is the PMS (interesting…) that I have come up with for myself to focus on over the course of the next twelve months:


It will be my personal mission to ensure the security of my soul, and to ensure that I live my life as strongly as possible, by these agreements that I have entered into with myself:

·         To be impeccable with my word, and only speak the truth with kindness
·         To always do my best, irrespective of the situation I find myself in
·         To not take anything personally, for there are many challenges ahead of me that will certainly test this
·         To not assume anything, for I will be entering a period where people will seek to take advantage of both myself, and my husband
·         To remain calm in situations of distress and panic, for clarity will be required
·         To provide support where support is needed, and space and peace when asked
·         To trust in the flow of the universe, for I understand that I am a small part of a much bigger plan
·         To support my husband through the challenging times ahead, where I can
·         To take a step back before involving myself in something that may be best left to others
·         To nurture and care for myself and my body, both physically and emotionally
·         To not take on the responsibility of other people’s problems, because they are too irresponsibly or immature to do so themselves
·         To stand firm on my point of view, but be mindful of other peoples
·         To nurture my home and garden, for this is the place where I seek solace for myself and my family
·         To read and learn as much as possible, for knowledge is a gift
·         To do more cooking classes!
·         To be patient and understanding when those qualities are truly tested
·         To look after Iris
·         To work toward my personal dreams and goals, and never lose focus of them
·         To carry out more random acts of kindness
·         To pay it forward

Compared to other people’s mission statements, I’m sure that this is very simplistic.  However, this is where I need to start.  Certainly, as my knowledge grows, so may the complexity of this statement.

I don’t know if this is right, or even if there is a ‘right’ mission statement, but I think it’s right for me.  For now, anyway.

I hope to review these promises to myself on a regular basis, but whether that happens or not, is anyone’s guess.  Maybe one of the promises should be to keep reading it!  I think I’ll just print it out and put it in a place where I can see it all the time.  Somewhere private; personal; just for me.

Stay focused, peeps. 

Peace out.


  1. I am glad you also groaned when you saw this challenge. I have been procrastinating about doing Week 2 but as you said this is a challenge and it is about growth so time to just do it! x

  2. Indeed it is, Lou! One of the hardest things in life is to be able to reflect upon your own self. I found this one hard, because I hate setting goals for myself, and to me, a mission statement is like a goal. What if I achieve it? What then? heheheh! Have fun with the challenges, and remember this: feel the fear and do it anyway!! xoxo
