Wednesday 25 January 2012


So, week four of the Simplify Your Life Challenge is another interesting one.  I've reflected on 2012, assessed my core values and mapped out a mission statement for myself, giving me some clarity and direction for the year to come.

However, this new challenge requires me to assess where I'm at right now with these values and missions.  Sounds simple enough, right?

Mmmm... the website provided a diagram that we could complete with our own details, and then sit back and have a good look at ourselves.

I love diagrams.  I love graphs.  I love shit that helps you assess stuff, all whilst looking pretty at the same time.  

However, I didn't like what i saw in this diagram.

Please forgive the terrible scanning.  I had issues with it.

So, we're supposed to list and rate eight items that are a part of our Wheel of Life; things that contribute to our daily, monthly, yearly life, that we feel are the most important.  For me, it was my Home Life, Personal Development, Health & Fitness and Money, combined with four of my core values (my agreements), that I try to live my life by, and hold very dear to my soul.

We rate these items from 1 to 5, depending on how we feel we're going with that specific item.  For example, I think I am doing very well with being impeccable with my word, so I have rated that 5.  I feel that my money situation could be better, so I've rated that 2, and so on.

Anyway, if you look at the flow of the red line, I'm all over the place like a hooker on New Years Eve.  Whilst I'm on top of some things, other things are lagging way behind.  This wheel is designed to not only highlight what our priorities should be for the next twelve months, but help us form our goals.

So clearly, there are some issues that I need to focus on here.  I think, even though I've assessed my core values and pumped out my mission statement for 2012 (the previous two challenges), this little Wheel of Life gives me more clarity than I've had in a long time.

If I can focus my efforts on improving some of the items, if not all of the items on this wheel, then maybe by the end of 2012, I can find some balance and harmony in my life.

Mmmm... I don't think I can even imagine what harmony would feel like... Well, we'll just have to wait and see what other challenges the Simplify Your Life team come up with.  Hopefully, they will steer me in the right direction.

If you would like to check out the wheel for yourself (you don't have to be a part of the challenge if you don't want to - its just interesting), then click on the following link.  If you read through the article, it will explain what you have to do.

Give it a crack.  What have you got to lose?

Peace out.

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