Tuesday 31 January 2012


So, this week’s challenge is a simple one: catch your breath. 

The first four challenges were quite interesting, and for some people doing the challenge, quite conflicting and emotional.  So, as a reward: no challenge this week.

However, it is an opportunity to reflect upon what I’ve learnt over the past four weeks.  So, here goes.

I’ve learnt that last year, although incredibly difficult on many levels, was also very rewarding.  I just have to remember to focus on the positive and not cling to the negative all the time.

I’ve learnt that I have sound core values, which I often take for granted, and have to constantly remind myself to stay aligned with them.  That in itself can be a challenge.

I have created a mission for myself; a twelve month objective to guide me along the path to life simplification.  In doing this, I’ve given myself something to fall back on if I feel a little lost along the way.

I have also had a dimensional look at my life, and am now more consciously aware of what’s going on in my life, and where I’m at with respect to my objectives.  I’m hoping that one of the future challenges holds the key to setting my goals, so that I can work out a map of how to reach my objectives.

So far, this challenge has been quite rewarding, and a lot of fun, particularly for a woman that tends to overthink things so much that she does her own head in (yeah I know: what a surprise….).  It’s been quite settling.

I’m looking forward to discovering the future challenges and tasks that this program will present.  Could be interesting….

Peace out peeps.

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