Monday 30 January 2012


Following on from my previous blog about the ugly Australia Day protest at The Lobby Restaurant in Canberra, I find it interesting how things evolve.

It has become apparent that one of the Prime Ministers junior media advisors, Tony Hodges and/or the ACT union official Kim Sattler has ‘leaked’ information to the Tent Embassy protesters, with the view of causing a political incident on Australia Day.

I wonder if, wherever they were on that day, and whilst they were sitting there watching the Prime Minister of this nation being hustled out of a restaurant amidst all of that terrifying turmoil, that the thought ‘this has gotten a tad out of control…’ ever crossed their minds…


This of course gets my mind working overtime on all of the possibly conspiracy theories behind it. So, let’s have a look at a couple of them, but remember; this is just a theory…
Scenario number one:  Big Tony is faring well in the polls against the PM.  The ALP will take whatever opportunity they can to discredit him in any way, in an effort to gain ground in the polls.  That’s simple politics.

It is also a known fact that political media advisors, like Tony Hodges, and even some MP’s, contact media outlets with suggested questions for interviews with their opposing MP’s. 

Could it have been possible that the publicity machine has decided to take advantage of the Australia/Invasion Day issue that’s rippling the water, and contact a media outlet and suggest the ‘Tent Embassy’ question be addressed to Big Tony on that predicable Australia Day door-stop interview?

I originally thought it was odd that Big Tony would be asked something seemingly so random as ‘What are your views on the Tent Embassy? However, considering the Tent Embassy was holding a march about the whole ‘invasion day’ issue, and the debate itself had been running for a couple of weeks, I guess it wasn’t totally inappropriate…

A junior media advisor (a perfect patsy) makes contact with someone involved with the Tent Embassy to tell them that Big Tony has said that he feels the Embassy should be disbanded and removed (a statement we all know now to be completely false and untrue).  Big Tony and the PM will be at The Lobby restaurant, and the protesters should confront him there about his comments.

The protesters have already been on a march that day, and are feeling empowered and impassioned, and now they’re already fired up and primed for confrontation. 

The protesters (predicably) storm The Lobby restaurant, create a security risk, which results in the PM and Big Tony being man-handled out of the restaurant and into a waiting security vehicle, which speeds away, scattering the unruly protesters in its wake.  All conveniently in front of the hungry national media.

Pictures of ‘poor Julia’ are plastered across every form of media, and Big Tony is painted as a racist fool for speaking so disrespectfully about the Tent Embassy, and endangering the life of the PM.

The Prime Minister’s stately control under pressure, consideration for the safety of her political opponent, combined with the sheer terror she emitted whilst being ‘removed’ from the restaurant, have her coming out of the whole incident smelling of roses.

There’s also the added bonus of making the protesters look completely feral and out of control, therein damaging the image of the noble cause that the Tent Embassy originally represented.

It’s brilliant.

And it’ nearly worked.

We then discovered that Mr Hodges, the junior media advisor in question, after hearing Big Tony’s interview, felt that his comments should be responded to, and contacted the Unions ACT secretary, Kim Sattler (who is of indigenous heritage) and asked for her opinion.

This is where it gets interesting.

Hodges claims he conveyed to Ms Sattler, Big Tony’s statement accurately, but Ms Sattler told a different story. 

Firstly, she denied speaking to Hodges at all, and then she changed her story, confirming that Mr Hodges had indeed contacted her, and suggested that the Tent Embassy protesters confront Big Tony over his comments.  He also conveniently told her where they could find him. 

Then, Ms Sattler again changed her story, and confirmed that Mr Hodges had conveyed Big Tony’s comments correctly after all.

The blame game begins, and people start ducking for cover; hiding from the fallout of this terrible incident that could have become an issue of racism, but instead, looks like an intended political dint in Big Tony’s armour, gone horribly wrong.  

How quickly the worm turns.

Scenario number two.  What if it was the Liberal party that planted the media question?  What if they knew that Big Tony’s carefully structured answer to the ‘Tent Embassy’ question would be taken out of context and plastered all over the media?

Usually, how the media department of a political party works, is that they sit down every morning and look for the ‘line of the day’.  Something that may have been said the day before, or something that relates to a current issue, that they can pump throughout the day to hammer home a political point of view. 

A good example of this is the famous ‘there will be no carbon tax under the government I lead…’  The Liberal party have banged this drum at every opportunity, and have been incredibly successful in discrediting the Prime Minister because of it.

What if the Liberals knew that the ALP would jump on the ‘move on’ comment, and twist it around to suit themselves? 

Take the ‘shit happens’ comment of Big Tony’s a few years ago.  Big Tony was talking to our soldiers in Afghanistan, and they were talking about manoeuvres being planned and programmed, but unexpected things happen, and go wrong.  Big Tony’s said ‘I agree; shit happens’, and the soldiers completely related to what he said. 

The ALP were all over it like a fly on shit, taking the comment out of context, and claiming Big Tony had no respect for our diggers.  This completed backfired, and made the ALP look like fools.  The ALP looked completely spiteful, dishonest and distrustful, and Big Tony just looked like a mug. 

The truth will eventually come out; it’s something you can never hide from.

The Liberals could discredit the ALP by claiming that they are again twisting the words of a man that does work extensively (and privately) with the indigenous community, and trying to create a racist slur, and in turn, making themselves look racist for thinking of it in the first place.

I think I’m clutching at straws on this one, because I don’t think the Liberals are that smart, and the ALP are doing a fine job of discrediting themselves without any assistance from anyone else.

The other conspiracy theory is one I heard on the radio this morning. 

One of the Tent Embassy founders (Michael Anderson I think) suggested that this entire incident was a political stunt designed to discredit the Tent Embassy, and lead to its abolition. 

Considering some of the indigenous leaders of the day suggest also that it’s time for the Tent Embassy to be disbanded, as it’s 20 years past it’s relevancy date, and has been taken over by a group of people whose views are not aligned with the indigenous movement, then maybe that’s not a bad idea.

Please don’t riot my home for me saying that.

What makes me laugh at this entire situation even more, is that Wayne Swann has come out over the last couple of days, and slammed Big Tony being completely negative about the entire situation, by insisting that the AFP (Australian Federal Police) investigate this matter, as the media advisors leaking the whereabouts of Mr Abbott and the Prime Minister, breach security regulations, and risked the safety of not only our two political leaders, but every single person in The Lobby that day.
I think Mr Swann has his head firmly inserted in his arse, and his opposing views have succeeded in making him look like a clown. 

So, this whole episode is turning into yet another political farce, with both parties pointing the finger at each other, and again, I think Ms Gillard will be the one that could be lumbered with the fallout from the actions of her party, yet again.

Ahhhh…. Never a dull day in politics, is there?

Peace out.

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