Tuesday 10 January 2012


So, a girlfriend of mine got me into this blog called ‘Home Life Simplified’ (thanks Louise - http://louslaughsandlearnings.blogspot.com.au/- check out Lou’s blog). 

You will see a big red button on the right hand side of my blog page that takes you straight to the Home Life Simplified website, should you wish to check it out.

Anyway, so this website would appear to be one of those life coaching, self-improvement, self-development websites, but not in a full on, in your face, ‘Tony Robinson’, ‘you must change your life!’ kind of way.  It seems to be a lot more subtle; perhaps… simpler?   

From what I gather, the entire challenge is about making gentle changes to your life; to steer it in a more positive direction.  This is done, I think, through self-assessment, and changing the way you think about and look at yourself through the setting of challenges, which you have to blog about.

Now, I’m not one to say that my life is fucked; on the contrary, I think my life is exactly what I’ve created, and I’m where I should be.  However, that doesn’t necessarily mean I’m happy, or that my life cannot be improved in anyway, or that I can’t change direction.

Everyone’s life can be improved, and I’m not talking materialistically or financially (which is always nice).  I’m talking emotionally and spiritually (yeah – tree-hugging, hippy shit). 

Ask yourself this: if you look into your heart, are you truly happy? 

What does it mean to be truly happy?  What does it feel like?  To quote the movie: is this as good as it gets?  If it is, is that a bad thing?

I can’t say I’m truly happy, but I’m not unhappy, if that makes sense.  I know there are things that I wish to work toward, and at the moment, I feel that’s something only time can reward me with.  Patience is a virtue, they say… however, I could be wrong.

I find the concept of this challenge really interesting, and I imagine at times, it could become quite confronting. So, I’m gonna give it a go. 

I wonder if I’ll last 52 weeks?  Mmmm… 

As the website suggests, I shall tackle these ‘challenges’ one step at a time; one week at a time, and see where it leads me. 

What’s the worst that can happen? (last famous words?) J

Anyway, if you see any blogs with ‘52 Week SLY’, you know what it’s about.  Maybe you want to get into it yourself.

Feel the fear, and do it anyway.

Peace out.

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