Tuesday 21 August 2012


So, Big Brother is back.


Remember when, a couple of years ago, they bought back Hey, Hey, It’s Saturday?  We all loved the memories and familiarity of it.  It was like wrapping yourself in a warm, comfy blankie in front of an open fire on a cold day.  It was wonderful.

Then, before too long, we remembered why we stopped watching it. 

We simply outgrew it.  We got past it.  We got over it.  We started searching for…more.

Same with Big Brother.

In 2001, it exploded onto our tellies, and like a shiny new toy, we were full of wonder and awe.  We loved the personalities, the ‘house’, the challenges and Gretal surrounded by $20,000 LG plasma tv’s.  Yep: $20,000 for a plassie back then. 

Then, in 2006, it died a slow death at the hands of a pack of woo-girls and buff himbo’s that were as boring as bat shit.

Six years later, Channel 9 has applied the defibrillator in the hope that they could resurrect this ratings monster. 

Some things, like Hey Hey It’s Saturday, should just be left to rest in peace, allowing us to relish in the happy memories.

And, just like a plasma telly, things that are expensive and new just become common and cheap after time.

Half an hour.  That’s as long as I lasted.  Half an hour before I realised that my life has transcended so far past the simplistic, cheap entertainment (if you would call it that) provided by the likes of Big Brother.

Now, I loved BB when it first hit our screens.  I don’t think I missed a single episode.  I remember Sara-Jane and her bunny ears, but that’s about it.  I couldn’t tell you who won.  I couldn’t tell you who was in the house with her.  I can’t remember, and I don’t care.

See, the downside to these types of reality shows, is that when the dust settles, no one really remembers you. 

It’s not like you’ve come up with a medical cure or a solution for world peace.  It’s not like you’ve won an Oscar for a brilliant screen performance, or won the Tour De France.

You were a contestant in a reality show where everyone got to see you shower in your undies and make a twat of yourself for three months (if you were lucky), in the hope to win $250,000 (if you were lucky).

In saying that, BB has been a platform for a lot of talent our there now.  Fitzy springs to mind straight away.  He’s on radio and telly.  Chrissie Swan; radio and telly, and doing really well.  Possibly a few others out there, but I can’t even be bothered putting in the energy to researching it.  Care factor = zero.

I’m sure that this new incarnation will attract a different generation of people to it.  Perhaps the 15 to 21 year olds that didn’t watch it the first time around, because their parents were insistent on them getting a fucken life away from the telly (and rightly so).

It will attract the fans of old, like my friends, who loved it so much, and were loyal to it through all six seasons (or whatever it was).  They will enjoy their 7pm special again.

I’d rather cut my toenails.

Actually, I’d rather cut Charlie’s toenails; that’s how much this shit has impressed me so far.

Again, the show seems to have a pack of woo-girls in there, with big hair and fucken cowboys hats (wtf?).  Eye candy for the ladies (the main demographic that watches this shit, sadly), with a couple of pretty boys with muscles and tatts. 

A fucken Rudd/Gillard love child that’s an 18 year old dork that’s never had a root (let alone kissed), but has a voice deeper than James Earl Jones (for the young people that don’t know JEJ; google it).

I wonder if the BB fans will get to see him ‘become a man’ on the show.  Wouldn’t that make interesting television?  God help us.

Then there was a dude called Ray.  I think after two minutes of being exposed to him, and I wanted to throw my cheap plasma out the fucken window.  He was enough to turn me off completely.

Sure; that’s the idea of the show, isn’t it?  Throw together a group of completely different, contradictory personalities, and see what happens?  Stand back, light the fuse, and wait for the fireworks.

Voyeuristic entertainment at it’s best.

I think I’ll stick to the likes of Masterchef, My Kitchen Rules, and any other show on the planet that actually broadens my mind, not numbs it like this shit does.

I’ll even watch The Shire and Being Lara Bingle repeats voluntarily instead of this shit.

In fact, this shit makes Lara look brilliant, and the cast of The Shire deep, meaningful and purposeful in life.  Particularly Becca. *rolls eyes*

I wonder how long before the rest of the country wakes up and switches off.  I’m tipping it won’t be too long now before we start seeing the ratings slide that will drag Big Brother back into it’s grave, where it should have been left in the first place.

Peace out.

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