Wednesday 15 August 2012


So, one of the bosses turned 40 this week (welcome to the club), and I made a birthday cake to mark the occasion.

Yummy, rich Devil's Food Cake that looked awesome, but because there are only a few of us in the office, there was a bit left over.

So I gave the leftovers (about half a cake) to one of the blokes at work, Mick, to take home to his tribe of four kiddies.

When I came in the next day, this letter was on my keyboard waiting for me.  Apparently, his little six year old daughter was so taken with the cake, that she wrote this letter all by herself, off her own back, only checking with her Dad how to spell my name.

So, I've promptly put the letter up in a place of prominence near my desk, so I can look at it every day.

This is a testament to the beautiful character this little poppit has, as she felt it appropriate to write a thank you letter for something like a piece of cake, to a complete stranger.

Must have meant a lot to her.

Possibly as much as this special letter means to me.

Peace out.

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