Wednesday 8 August 2012


Challenge this week: catch up or make progress or finish something from the last 31 weeks.

As I look back over the last six months, I am amazed at how this challenge has impacted up on my life.

In a physical sense, I have attacked my house in a determined way, and am working my way through various routines, lists and audits to reclaim my home.  Still a long way to go in some areas, but I’m getting there, and feeling better about myself because of it.

I’ve reflected on my vision board again, and feel that I’m ticking along okay with it.  I touched on this subject a few blogs ago, when I posted the last ‘catch up’ blog after the last block of challenges finished.

Taking things personally is still a problem area for me, but I feel that I’m slowly getting things under control in some of the other ‘Wheel of Life’ challenges for myself.

I am struggling with setting priorities around my core values and goals, particularly in the cooking department.

I find that life is steering me more toward this path, and I feel more secure in my decision to shift careers in the not too distant future. I have a Facebook page (Recipes Between Friends) that has absolutely taken off this year, and I thoroughly enjoy sharing recipes with people and interacting with other like-minded home cooks. 

I’ve found a few good cooking schools online, and am really interesting in exploring the courses they have available before the end of the year.  Anything to improve my skills in the interim will be an advantage to me down the track, I’m sure.

I’ve made a great friend at tennis, who just happens to be a chef, and we both enjoy talking about food and cooking, which is a great outlet for me.  Good to talk to someone that understands where I’m coming from and what direction I wish to take my life in.

Other major things are shifting in my life, which at this point, would not be appropriate to blog about (yes: I do have a limit), but these shifts will hopefully result in some spiritual freedom, and an opportunity for my husband and I to reconnect after eleven very difficult and challenging years.  It will be a chance for us to simply start again.

So the next six months will definitely be interesting for me, and I look forward to the next block of SYL Challenges starting, which I believe will revolve around health, beauty and wellness.

Could be just what I need.

Peace out.

PS: even though I'm not blogging these challenges on a weekly basis, I am actually doing them on a weekly basis.  At the moment, I'm just playing a little catch up with these blogs.  Please forgive.

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