Sunday 3 July 2011


Welcome to my blog.

Never in a million years did I ever think I would be saying that.  However, a few people have suggested it over the years, and one very recently that convinced me I should actually do it.

So, here we are.

Why a blog? Well…. I don’t really know.  I suppose it’s a place to express myself in an entertaining way.  Maybe you, the reader, will get a laugh out of it too.  Who knows?

Do I think my life is interesting? Possibly not.  I personally think I’m pretty ordinary, if not completely and utterly boring.  According to my 14 year old ‘I know everything’ step-daughter, I’m no fun and way too serious.  Unless she wants something of course…then she shifts gears quicker than a formula one driver, and I instantly become totally awesome.

However, her heads so far up her own arse (as most teenagers are) that she wouldn’t notice my regular level of awesomeness anyway.  Oh well; her loss :D

Do I get into some mischief? Sometimes.  Pretty harmless stuff though.  I am after all ‘no fun and too serious’. :D

Am I opinionated? Hell yeah.  Just brace yourself for that one. 

I have however, been told that I do have an ability to bag the shit out of myself in a candid, humorous way.  I don’t know whether that’s a compliment, or a slap in the face.  Either way; I’m rolling with it. 

Five things you need to know before you get hooked on my blog *rolls eyes*

I swear.  Sorry.
I rant a bit.  Sorry.
I miss-type and miss-spell things.  Sorry.
I’m sarcastic.  Sorry.
I am only human.  No apologies there.

If you can handle those things, well, you can pretty much handle my blog, I think.

You will possibly see a mixture of a lot of things on here.  Sometimes, I will rant about experiences I have, or express opinions on issues I have.  Other times, I will share with you some deep, emotional, tree-hugging hippy shit.  Mmm… brace yourself.

So here’s hoping this blog will contain a few laughs at my expense.  Failing that, we will definitely get some laughs at other peoples expense! :D

Peace out.

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