Sunday 17 July 2011


A friend of mine posted on Facebook the other day, that she’s tired of her day being filled with other people’s bullshit.

I sat back in my chair and thought damn!  That’s so my life!  Day after day of dealing with other people’s bullshit!

How did that happen?

When did it start?

Like, my whole job is about dealing with the needs of others; dropping everything to get things done, meeting deadlines, organising shit… all other’s people crap that they don’t have time to deal with.  At least I get paid for it (and paid well; I’m very grateful for my job – particularly in this economic climate).  It’s my job, and it’s what I have to do.  Htfu.

Then I come home from work, knackered after a nearly two hour drive and dealing with bullshit all day, to have a husband and child dump their crap on me.

Both of them ‘dump’ with different styles; one aggressively complaining about the wingers and knuckleheads he has to work with (takes a winger to know a winger, I tell him), the other talking at 200 miles an hour about all the socially relevant issues of her teenage day. *rolls eyes*

Then there is paperwork my husband doesn’t understand, or the printer that won’t print properly, or the internet that won’t show the information that he wants, that he comes to me to fix. 

Then there’s the homework we don’t understand, the permission forms that need to be returned, the social engagements that you need some kind of degree in logistics to organise.  God forbid you have something planned, and cannot re-arrange the planets so a 14 years can have a sleep over at her besty’s house.

For the love of God, start sorting your own shit out.  I just wanna watch Masterchef in peace.

Then when I need help, I get ‘whatever…’ or 'Can I do it later?'  Are you kidding me?  I'll remember that when you need your clothes washed and your socks sorted next time.  Fuckers.

There are situations, of course, that cannot be avoided.  For example; Mum needs a lot of assistance with the sale of her home, and the purchase of a new one.  She’s 74, and although she is quite intelligent, if she gets too much thrown at her, she get’s confused.   So, I have to involve myself a lot there to protect her.  I’m happy to do that.

However, when I sit back and analyse my day, I wonder why I am faced with so much crap? Seriously.  95% of the stuff I deal with every day is not mine.

Is this normal?  Do you experience this as well? Do you sit there inwardly screaming ‘Do I look like a IT expert? Fix your own fucking printer!’

I know Mum’s out there have it a lot tougher than me.  Let’s be honest: you have your children to deal with, plus your husband.  So really, you have an extra kid; he’s just a little older…

I do seriously wonder if this is indeed normal.  Is it a woman thing? To people come to you because they genuinely respect you, and need your council? Are they honestly stuck or puzzled, and just need some assistance? Do they need someone they can vent to or express themselves to, and you’re in the line of fire? Or are they just too damn lazy to find their own socks ?

This is an absolute revelation to me. 

I seriously cannot believe I have never realised this before.  My day is full of other people’s bullshit.

I wonder if I should join a monastery or something.  Find some inner peace…. Yeah….  I’d possibly be bored in five minutes.  Mainly because I wouldn't be able to listen to Ke$ha or Pitbull, but mostly… well, I think I would miss other people’s bullshit.

Maybe that’s just life.  Maybe that’s what human interaction is; the exchanging of bullshit.

Maybe that’s the secret to life?

OMG… I could be onto something here...

Mmm… something to ponder…

Peace out.

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