Sunday 10 July 2011


I feel sorry for Labor voters.

Yes, I’m a Liberal voter; won’t deny it.  However, I can’t help but feel that the Labor voters have been shafted.  In fact, I think all of us have been.

Yes, every single one of us voted; the majority ruled, and the people that are standing in the parliament have been put there by us.  It’s pretty straight forward, and I understand that.

However, I don’t think anyone chose this ‘government’, and by ‘government’, I mean the people that are running this country.  The people that are calling the shots.  

I don’t think anyone chose to see a government controlled by three independents and a Green.  No one chose to see the Labor party over a barrel, with the same independents and Greens passing around the Vaseline.  It’s just not pretty.

To me, The Labor Party represented exactly that: the labour force.  It was a union based party that represented the workers.  It represented the boiler maker at Hazeldene Power Station; it represented the process worker on a packing line at a cheese factory; it represented the chippies and sparkies on construction sites in the city.  The Labor Party heartland is the backbone of this country, and the backbone is just about to break.

Maybe I’m not alone thinking this country’s government is off the rails… apparently, we had to have a new Prime Minister twelve months ago because the government had ‘lost its way’.  If that was lost, man we must be in another space/time continuum now.

I’ve never seen a government with such a lack of direction in my life.  They are stumbling blindly in the dark, slapping band aids on shot gun wounds, and setting off sparklers so you are blinded by the pretty things, and overlook the reality of it all. 

How stupid do they think we are? How stupid to they think you are?

In twelve months, I think we’ve gone from bad to worse. In four years, we’ve gone from having four people in detention at Christmas Island, to something like 7000.  WTF?  And that’s not 7000 at Christmas Island, no.  That’s 7000 scattered all over the country because Christmas Island cannot cope.  The immigration policy is a debacle.  East Timor… no wait… PNG…. No wait…. Malaysia… no wait…. Indonesia… no wait… Timor… no wait… Malaysia…. *President of Nauru in the background waving ‘Look at me! Look at me’*. 

Let’s not mention the excessive ‘Building an Education Revolution’… The Pink Bats Scheme (which was fantastic in it’s inception, but very poorly controlled) and God knows how much more waste…

Did you know that this is the first year in decades that we have not had a tax cut?  The last three were set up by Costello, and couldn’t be amended.  Clearly Labor are grabbing on to every cent they can to get us into Surplus before the entire planet collapses financially.

Then there’s the carbon tax we were never going to have… did you know that the only person that stood on a platform of ‘yes to carbon tax’, was Adam Bandt; The Greens representative for Melbourne?  He was the only one out of all the parties.  The only one.  All of the other major parties said ‘no’.  I don’t need to quote you Big Jules famous ‘we will not have a carbon tax under the government I lead…’ line, do you… oh wait…

So, the majority of the people vote for ‘no carbon tax’ (except the tree hugging concrete hippies with no fucken idea, in Melbourne), and now we’re getting it?  How does that work? How can someone that has such an embarrassing minority in the parliament, be introducing something so massive…

Oh wait! Of course! Silly me! *slaps forehead*  I forgot.  The Labor Party is not running the country, are they?  No; The Greens are.  Silly me.  They have all the power.  Forget the voters; forget the electorate; it’s all about control and self preservation.

What a mess.

Kevin Rudd must be laughing his arse off as he chomps on his milky way.  Laughing, laughing, laughing…

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again; The Greens are the single biggest threat to the Australian way of life.   They have no economic standing; no comprehension of the impact of their decisions, and are completely out of touch with ‘real people’.  Why on earth would you aim to shut down the biggest industry and employer in this country?  Mining is our lifeblood.  Billion of dollars are generated for this country by selling it overseas and supplying our own businesses and infrastructure.  Why would you destroy that?  Why put hundreds of thousands of people out of work?  

Apparently, they can work in ‘green’ industries.  Yeah.  Oh wait… there aren’t any green industries set up to replace what we’re going to lose… are there?

Senator Bob Brown, the leader of the Greens, in a speech last week, alluded to his dream of a ‘one world government.’  One. World. Government.  Do you know what that means?  That means one government, sort of like the United Nations, that would control everything on the planet.  They could rape our country for our beautiful, rich resources, and ship them all over the world for nothing. Imagine if the entire world voted on something, how would 22 million votes from Australia compared to the billions of votes in Asia? Considering how corrupt the UN is, imagine what a ‘one world government’ would be like…  if we think things are fucked now with this ridiculous, allied government we have… imagine what it could be like… I think they should change their name to The Reds, because I feel like I’ve landed in socialist Russia.

Friends have said to me ‘this will never happen.  Australian’s are too smart for that’.  *insert sarcasm* Is that right?  If we’re so smart, what the fuck are The Greens doing in power?

Oh; that’s right.  The Labor Party allied with them.  I nearly forgot.  Of course, all Labor voters knew that would happen, because Labor had The Greens as their batting buddies on the ballots, and The Greens were going to hand their preferences to them anyway.  You all knew that, didn’t you?  Cos I know I did.

This is where I feel sorry for Labor voters.  I don’t think they, or anyone for that matter, knew that we would end up with a government so torn and dysfunctional. 

Traditional, old school Labor voters are turning on their party.  Even the hard core union members are turning.  The only people that cannot see this, or perhaps don’t want to see this, are the people that are running the country. 

What else are they blind to?

However, that doesn’t matter.  They’re in control… aren’t they?

I think Victoria learnt from the federal election.  The Greens took a massive hit in the polls in this state, and not a single one ended up in Victorian parliament.  Hallelujah.  All of those people that live in Melbourne must have changed their minds for some reason…

I wonder how this will play out.  I wonder how long the puppet leading this country will last.  I reckon she’ll be gone in the next twelve months.  The Labor Party is taking too many hits in the polls.  She’s a political dead weight, and if possible, is even less popular than Rudd.

However, if she’s removed from office, I wonder what the independents will do?  This is where Prime Minister Gillard was brilliant.  Her agreement with the independents hinges on her being the Prime Minister.  If she’s gone; so is their support.  If she’s goes; we could find ourselves at the polls again.

I don’t think that’s a bad thing.

Mmmm… I think it’s only a matter of time.  I can hear the clink of metal on metal as the caucus sharpen their knives….

Peace out.

1 comment:

  1. I think you will find that we have ended up in this position because your idea of what Australian way of life is, is considerably different to a lot of other Australians.

    The greens Stephen Bradburyied into the position they are in at the moment, they campaigned well to their core demo and got a lot of votes from the 18-30 year old sector whos major issues were Climate Change and Day care. As apposed to border protection. The libs and labour had no policy for these areas that was transparent enough to win votes, hence lost seats in cosmopolitan and university strong areas of the country

    The greens have existed to campaign on extremes, using the philosophy that throw enough shit against the wall and some of it will stick. to get the basics of their principals across.

    No need to be alarmist though, they would never get controlling power to help form a world government.

    Just like you cant take Tony Abbots archaic fundamentalist christian views as the ethical view of the entire liberal party, you cant expect Bobs Browns sometimes lunacy to represent the position of the greens.
