Thursday 21 July 2011


So, in the past couple of days, we’ve seen the media report on the costs of having the Oprah Show come out to Australia earlier this year. 

Just to refresh your memory, Tourism Australia, in association with the various states tourism authorities, bought the Big O out here in an attempt to promote this magnificent country on an international stage, and attract the lucrative tourism dollar.

The cost to the Victorian tax payers alone (and that’s what I’ll focus on here) was $650,000.

Now, as I’ve said before, I am a Liberal voter.  The concept of the Big O coming out here, was a Labor one.  For this liberal conservative, I thought the idea was nothing short of brilliant.

$650,000?  Pffft.  A drop in the ocean.  Worth every cent, in my view.  I seriously don’t know what people are carrying on about here.  $650,000 is nothing in a trillion dollar economy.  Let’s be realistic about that.

I’ll be the first to admit that I’m not a massive Oprah fan.  I've only ever watched her show a couple of times, and I cannot stand her ‘it’s all about me and I’ve made it’, ‘peace, love and harmony’ and ‘a hug will fix everything’ attitude.  Get realistic with me, Oprah; there’s only so much sugar I can take.

So I think, out of respect to all of the real Oprah fans, it is fair to say that I am not one.

In saying that, I do not for a second under estimate her pulling power.  My God, the woman has billions of fans.  Billions.  In dozens of nations across the planet.  The woman has more connections than God.  In fact, God goes through her if he/she needs to speak to someone important.

So how could the concept of bringing her out here fail?  Seriously?  Australia has been exposed to billions of people in dozens of countries around the world through Oprah. This campaign would've reached people that had never heard of Australia, and they would've been blown away by the awesomeness of this great land.  They are, after all, only human.

Sadly, the timing of this experiment seems to have been slightly off.  Studies have shown that tourism from America has dropped 8% since she came out here.  If we stop and think, it possibly has a lot to do with the fact that America are so broke, that they’re making third world countries look good.  Our Aussie dollar is too strong, so it’s not an attractive option for them to come out here.  At the moment. 

But what about Asia?  Asians love Oprah.  They love Australia.  You would think some studies out there may have been done on the Asian factor? Surely? Mmm… 

Either way, Australia is out there, on the international stage, thanks to Oprah, who will have had almost as much impact, I think, as Paul Hogan and his BBQ shrimps.  Let’s forget that horrendous ‘Where the bloody hell are you?’ campaign from the bikini clad car accident.  Let’s forget that ‘walkabout’ arty-farty campaign from Baz Lurman.  Omg.  I’m rolling with Oprah, and I think this campaign will have done wonders for this land.

$650,000.  Nothing.  Let’s put it into perspective for a moment.

Melbourne hosts a car race every year; an internationally renowned event that is supposed to bring not only tourists to this country, but very wealthy ones.  This race costs the Victorian tax payers approximately $50,000.000.  That’s fifty million dollars.  Every year.  Gone.

What the hell is $650,000?  NOTHING.

Let’s face it; ANYTHING that promotes Australia as a good tourist destination is great, and if it only costs the state $650,000, then I think I can live with that.

Peace out.

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