Wednesday 20 July 2011


So, I would like to introduce you to one of my cats; Forrest.  She's a 14 year old de-sexed female that loves to cuddle, lick, pad and drool.  

She also has a great knack of finding the most interesting places to sleep.  

Here are just a few shots of her in various spaces (my ironing basket, on top of my fax/printer, and on top of my napkin basket).  

She is the reason I throw a towel over my ironing basket, as there's nothin' worse than having nice clean clothing squished and covered in cat hair!  

I'm going to make it my mission to collect as many of these types of photo's of her as I can, simply because she sleeps in the most interesting spaces (the sock box, the linen press, the shelving in the walk in robe, just to mention a few).  

I figure that the fax/printer must be warm, because this is one of her favorite places, and she'll snooze there whilst I'm working away beside her...

This one, taken last night, was of her snoozing in the napkin holder.  She will sleep on top of just about anything, but rarely on a cold surface.  So, if there are place mats or oven mits on the table or bench, she will sleep on top of them!

Interesting cat.

Enjoy.  Peace out.

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