Thursday 9 February 2012


You know… there are some things that just can’t be replaced.

The love of a pet is one of them.

People that don’t understand pets, or don’t connect to their pets in any way, really can’t understand a person’s attachment to an animal. 

Particularly when that animal passes on.

Such is the case for Lloydy, Marika’s (my best friends) cat.

Lloydy was quite simply, one of the most awesome cat’s I’d ever had the pleasure of meeting.

He was always talkative and affectionate, and gave the best hugs ever.  How does a cat hug, I hear you ask?  He head butts you. He pushes his head against your face; repeatedly.  Lloydy was the best hugger ever.  Perfect for Marika, really.  She’s an awesome hugger too.

Whenever I stayed at Marika’s place, Lloydy would often come in at night time, and cuddle up with me.  One time, I remember waking up, and there he was, cuddled up beside me with his head on the pillow!  Gorgeous!

Over the past couple of years, Lloydy hasn’t experienced the best of health.  He’s an old man, and it was starting to catch up with him.  He had problems with his bladder and stuff (I can’t remember all of the details), but his treatment caused problems with his eyes.

He lost the majority of his vision, but could apparently see shapes.  You can see by this photo that his eyes are cloudy.  This photo was taken on Grand Final Day 2011, where he found his way onto the back of the couch, and gave me heaps of head butts.  It was awesome, and funny too because, as his vision was so poor, he would misjudge the distance between us, and full on smack his head against mine.  Didn’t worry me though, cos I love Lloydy.

Lloydy also loved reiki.  Yep; animals love that shit too.

Whenever I spent time with him, I would give him a blast of it.  Grand Final Day was the last time I saw him, I think, and he lay on the couch beside me, happily receiving treatment, totally chilled out and relaxed (and snoring), cuddled up against my leg. 

Some cats are feral, stroppy, anti-social and snobbish; but not Lloydy.  Oh no! Lloydy was just a beautiful soul that came into Marika’s life when he was about eight years old.  She took him home from an animal shelter, and we guessed that maybe he belonged to an elderly person that talked to him a lot, because he certainly love to talk.

And talk and talk and talk.  And hug.  None of which anyone minded, cos he was just awesome

Sadly though, his health deteriorated to a point where life was becoming a struggle for the big man.  Not being able to see, having diabetes, liver problems and other assorted health problems, it was time to give the man some final rest and peace.

Hardest part of anyone that’s owned by a cat, is recognising the time to ‘let go’.  Do you keep him alive because you love him, or do you let him go because you love him?  Enough with the suffering.  Time to let go, because you love him.

Lloydy went to sleep on the 8th of February, and I take comfort in the knowledge that he’s in no more pain.  The greatest gift he could have been given, was peace.

As I said before, people that don’t understand the human attachment to animals could never appreciate the depth of grief that people share for a beloved pet.    They’re an extension of your family; an extension of yourself.  Their loss has a profound impact.

I know that my cats are my babies, and a couple of them are now getting up in years.  When they pass, which I realistically understand that they will eventually, I will be completely and utterly devastated.  They are my babies, and I love them.

Such is the case for Marika and her husband Greg.  They have lost a beloved family member, and it’s a sad, sad thing.

Funny… as I write this blog, my own cat Barney (who was originally Marika’s) is sitting on the desk right beside me.  He knows when I’m upset, and often comes to keep me company.  He just knows his presence gives me comfort.

For me, I have lost an old friend whom I loved dearly.

May you rest in peace, Lloydy. 

You will be greatly missed.

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