Monday 6 February 2012



So, I think I may have blogged this photo before, but this is my selection for today's photo.

I've taken many photo's of the sky out here at Tooby, but this is by far
my absolute favourite (and creepiest).

Let me set the scene for you: Charlie and I were sitting on a bench seat in the
front yard, directly in front of the house.  We were yapping about something
and waiting for the rain to come, as the weather had swung and cooled.

I'm half way through a sentence, look up to the south, and this is what I see in the sky.
I grabbed my phone, and Charlie said 'you won't take a very good photo of it...'

Now, if any of you have an iphone, you will not that they have this little
feature that zooms in on a face when you are about to take a photo?  Well,
the iphone camera zoomed in on the face in the middle of this photo.

Scared the be-jesus out of me.

If you look closely, you will see about four other faces in the photo as well.

It is undoubtedly one of the most amazing photo's I have ever seen, and all
snapped quickly with a simple iphone.

The beauty of mother nature.

Peace out.

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