Tuesday 7 February 2012


So the repairer called back, and amazingly, with a totally different attitude.  In fact, he was so helpful, that I was completely deflated.  He took the wind right out of my sails, and I tell you this: I was gagging for an argument.

He had even done a bit of research on the internet and with LG (apparently) to determine what the problem could be, before he came out there and wasted my money on a call out fee.


Charlie said that he felt he was being honest, because if we’re desperate enough to pay, he should be happy enough to take it.  Clearly, he wasn’t interested in ripping anyone off.


How anti-climactic.

So, the upshot is my washing machine is terminal.  Forget costs of getting a repairer to come out here (which was minimal, btw) it was going to cost a bomb to fix.  Spending $400+ on a washing machine that we bought seven years ago for $700?  I don’t think so.

Mind you, after I spoke to the repairer, I double checked with LG, and they confirmed the same thing; terminal, but repairable.   However, it was up to me whether I repaired it or replaced it.

Not being one to throw good money after bad, it looks like Charlie and I will be welcoming a new washing machine into our home over the next couple of days. 

Thank God, I say to you. 

As I didn’t really know what was happening with the machine, I haven’t done anything about the washing. Do I take it to a laundromat? Do I ask Iris if I can use her machine? Do I take it down to the creek and bang it against the rocks? Or do I wait, because the solution may be quicker than I thought (which it turned out to be, in the end). 

I’ve six loads of washing in the laundry, just waiting for a little love, and with my gym clothes, Charlie’s work clothes, and Jade’s stinky school uniforms, it’s starting to smell a little funky in there. 

Even the cats are steering clear.

Well, after this new baby comes, you can guess what I’ll be doing every night for the next week, can’t you?

Peace out.

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