Sunday 26 February 2012

PHOTO A DAY CHALLENGE: 25 & 26.02.2012


Well, I think it's fair to say that our cats rule the house.  It's such a pleasure being 'owned' by them.  I love this photo of them, because it's very rare to see all three of them together like this. 

The black and white one is Barney.  He's 15 years old, and is by far the most affectionate of the three. He is generally referred to as Boo, and is nothing but a pat slut.  He's such a beautiful nature, and is very gentle and loving.  He also has Charlie absolutely wrapped around his little paw.  The grey one is Forrest.  Forrest is a girl (who we originally thought was a boy).  She was named so because she loves to run and run.  She's also 15 and is just adorable.  She too is very affectionate, but skittish and shy.  When she was a kitten, she was snooping around the shopping bags and got stuck in one of them.  Never recovered from it.  Now, if you even rustle a bit of plastic, she shits herself and runs.  She's old and drools (hilarious) but like Boo, is a beautifully naturd cat.  The third one is the newest addition to the family: Milo.  He's a pure bred seal point rag doll, that my friend Sandy gave me.  She's a breeder, and Milo was a 'reject'.  He was sick when he was little, and it interrupted his toilet training.  Rag dolls are specifically bred for indoors only, but Milo kept having 'accidents' around the house, and was returned to Sandy by the people who purchased him.  Sandy faced the choice of putting him down (because he had been de-sexed and she couldn't breed from him or show him), or finding an 'outdoor' home for him.  What better place for him than Allenbee Fields.  The thing about ragdolls though, is that they talk.  A lot.  He drives us mad, but when you talk back to him, he loves it.  He follows you around the yard when you're gardneing or working, and chats away.  Just a beautiful personality.


Well, this is a snap of my calendar for February.  Thought it fitting to publish the month that related to this photographic challenge. Pretty good month, really.  Had the conference for CWA and the Bunnings Sausage Sizzle for CWA, osteo appointment, got my hair done, Charlie had golf, lunch with friends, visiting family, Jade is currently at a horse show, and Charlie and I went to the movies last night (saw Contraband - pretty good).  

Yep; pretty ordinary month for the Buttler family.


So, I was in Bendigo yesterday doing some shopping with Iris.

We parked in the car park near Coles (yes, I was lucky enough to actually score a car park there at 12.30 in the afternoon – miracle), and I needed to go to the toilet.

Iris waddled off to the bench seat in front of Coles to wait for me, as I ventured to the public toilets nearby.

So, I’m sitting there seriously regretting the Tony Ferguson Yoghurt Berry Snack Bar I had eaten for morning tea, which just quietly, should have been labelled ‘laxative’, when a woman came into the stall next to me.

‘My God…’ she said.  ‘The public toilets in Bendigo are atrocious.’

‘You’re not wrong.’ I muttered, looking around at the scratched, graffiti covered walls and broken tiles of my own cubicle.  Apparently, Kate loves someone and some other chick puts out…  ‘These toilets were so nice when they were built…’

‘And those other stupid space aged things…’

‘The one’s in the mall?’

‘Yes.  They’re all modern and wonderful, but filthy…’

‘You know, it took me two years to figure out that they were actually toilets?’

‘Same here!’ she laughed.  ‘There’s nothing on them saying they’re toilets.’

‘Plus, the space they take up, they could have put like four cubicles in them.’


‘Why did they pull the wisteria trestles down in the mall?  They were so beautiful…’

‘Weren’t they?’ she sighed, and I could hear her pulling on the toilet paper.  ‘This toilet paper is shit house.’

‘I call it rice paper.’

‘Ha! Good name!  Dissolves when it comes into contact with water…’ she flushed.

Thank you, I thought to myself, feeling a little vindicated. 

Her cubicle door banged, and she said ‘Even these sinks are terrible.  I need some hand sanitiser…’

‘I have some if you need?’

‘That would be awesome!’ I yanked my little bottle out of my bag and slid it under the door.  Of course I would be able to do that, because of the 20 foot gap at the bottom of the fucken door…

She used the hand sanitiser, and slid it back under.  ‘Thank you for that.  I feel cleaner already!’

‘No problem.’

‘You have a great day now!’ she chirped, and I could hear her hurried steps leading her away.

‘You too love.’ I smiled, looking at my little bottle of hand sanitiser, still regretting the snack bar…

Well, it would seem that my views on public toilets are not unique. 

I’m not alone after all…

Peace out.


Barbie got her first car in 1962.

Saturday 25 February 2012


Howdy peeps,

So a learned friend of mine, Ben, loves this political stuff as much as I do.

However, Ben and I differ a little.  You see, I think he has a far better understanding of policy making and not only the national, but international impact of such things than I do.

Me: I like the mechanics of the party machine.  I like the the games and the behaviour of the individuals that run this country. I love the scandals, the rifts and the impact these things have upon the government. I feel I have about as much to say about what happens in Canberra as I do about Collingwood winning the AFL Premiership.  Fuck all.

Speaking of which, Ben posted a fantastic analogy on Facebook yesterday, that really clearly explained the way that people vote, I think.

Now, I don't agree with everything Benny says, nor he me; but I think this is a really intelligent post that's quite thought provoking.

Have a read and a think.  

'To further from my previous status, if the next election was between Dane Swan and Buddy Franklin, it would play out as follows.  

All Collingwood supporters would vote for Dane Swan, and nearly everyone else would vote for Buddy, because they hate Collingwood.  Except for the racist non-Collingwood supporters, who would vote for Dane because he is white.  So the race becomes who would win out of Collingwood supporters and racists vs everyone else.

Dane Swan is a good chance to win.  Collingwood supporters and people who would not want to see an Aboriginal win, probably just outweigh people who don't like Collingwood.

This is the problem with politics in Australia; it's not about who is the better candidate or which is the better team, its about who you barrack for, or who you don't like.

This election started out as who would you prefer at full forward.'

Ben is right.  We vote for who we want to win I think, and often forget to look at the policy and principles that drive them.  It's human nature, but we feel the impact of these ill-informed choices for the rest of our lives.

Thanks Ben xoxo

Peace out.

Friday 24 February 2012



Well, considering it's Jade's birthday today (happy 15th poppit), I thought I would share a funny photo of her.

This photo was taken in 2006, and Jade and I are sitting right up at the back boundary of 
Allenbee Fields; about 1/2 kilometer away from the house.
My friend Marika was taking random snaps of the place, and caught this one
of me shoving Jade out of the photo.

It's one of my favourite photos.


Even though they broke up over 25 years ago, the Beatles continue to sell more records each year than the Rolling Stones.

Thursday 23 February 2012


‘Kevin Rudd’s behaviour is that of a suicide bomber.’ 
Andrew Bolt, MTR Radio, Thursday 23rd February, 2012.

More like a spoilt child that’s throwing a tantrum until he gets his way.

I don’t think we’ve seen such an exciting period in Australia politics before: two people so hell bent on power, they will let nothing stand in their way to attain it.

No one saw Rudd’s resignation from his role as Minister for Foreign Affairs coming.  No one.

It was brilliant.

It also opens the door to so many possibilities, that it’s now anyone’s guess as to what will happen.  Let’s have a look at a couple of scenarios:

So, Rudd resigns, in what the media and political experts are calling ‘a declaration of open warfare’ against the woman, backed by the ‘faceless men’ of the caucus, which orchestrated his removal from the role he had coveted and lorded for so long. 

Gillard’s in a vulnerable position in the polls because she’s simply made disastrous decision after disastrous decision, and only has herself (and her advisors) to blame.  She can’t point the finger at Rudd for the polls; it’s her own fault.

Something that Rudd will no doubt take great pleasure in pointing out.  He will declare himself the only hope the Australian Labor Party has at defeating Tony Abbott and those terrible, demonic Liberals at the next election; freeing this country from their tyrannical rule. 

Thank God we have K Rudd!  He will save us all!  How did we cope without him? 

Easily.  Surely our memories are not that short…

So, he’s now free to make a move at the caucus meeting next Monday morning, which will see a lot of bloodshed, whatever way the vote swings.  He has the bomb rigged; he’ll be in the middle of the room, ready and willing to blow them all to hell.  Including himself.

You see, if he doesn’t win the caucus ballot (which experts are saying he may not), then he is in the perfect position to enact revenge against the people that knifed him.

He can resign from politics, or resign from the ALP, and sit in parliament as an independent.

Big deal? No great loss?  Not really, for sure.  However, that will force a bi-election in his seat, which the ALP will probably lose, and narrow the parliamentary margin the government has.  The ALP will be right back to where they were before Slippery Pete crossed the floor and became the speaker of the house.

Then all the pressure falls back on the Independents: Wilke, Oakshott and Windsor; not to forget Mr Bandt from the Greens.  A very clever Ms Gillard convinced some of these men to ally with the ALP to give them the majority to form government, on the proviso that she was the Prime Minister.

Windsor famously said that by tying his vote to this condition, he was securing stability in the government, thus enabling them to focus on the mission they were intrusted with: governing the country.  Incident like the knifing of Kevin Rudd will never happen again, he said.

Someone tell him he’s dreamin’.  He clearly doesn’t understand the mechanics of the ALP.

Wonder what he’s thinking right now?  Possibly the same as every other independent and ALP member in the house: if this government falls over, we’re out of a job.

If K Rudd wins the ballot and is restored as leader/Prime Minister, every person sitting on the front bench of the ALP government will be in the firing line.  We will see such a clean sweep of the government, that it will be frightening. 

Particularly Wayne Swan.  Last night, Swan issued such a scathing statement against Rudd, stating he was a ‘deeply flawed man’, who was ‘disloyal to the Labor cause, to the Labor movement, to the movement which put him in the Parliament and expected better of him.’  He stated that Mr Rudd was ‘dysfunctional in his decision making’ and had a ‘deeply demeaning attitude towards other people, including our caucus colleagues’.

This from a man who not only helped Rudd become the ALP Leader, and subsequently, the Prime Minister, but cites Rudd as the godfather to one of his children.

Swan must be feeling quite confident about Monday’s ballot to issue this statement…

We’ll see some of the backbenchers and K Rudd supporters step into the leadership roles, and the Gillard cabinet will be banished to the backbenches, and sulk like the naughty little children that they are.  Wouldn’t be surprised if some of them resigned.

May not be a bad thing.  We’ve been calling for a change of government, and maybe this could be it?  Some new blood; new talent in the ministry that may change the face of the nation; steer us away from the financial black hole we’re teetering on the cusp of.

A confident Rudd will champion the ALP cause into the next election, where I fear he will still lose, because the damage is done and the voters have a long memory.

Building an Education Revolution, Pink Bats, $900 handouts that only a fool would think wouldn’t bite us in the arse… hope you’re enjoying your Chinese made plasma.  I know I am.

Of course, Rudd won’t resign his seat or his political affiliations.  If he did so, he would never be able to attain the heights he so desperately covets: the Prime Ministership.  He must be a member of a major party to have any chance of this, and I can’t see him joining the Liberals in a hurry.

I’ve never seen a political party so divided.  There is a massive split between the green ALP members and the blue, more traditional ALP members, and it’s fuelled by pure hatred.

It’s no longer about  ruling the country; it’s about clinging to power, and that’s what will be in the forefront of every ALP caucus member’s mind come 10am Monday morning.  This is a vote for their future, not the future of the country. 

Remember that next time you vote.

They are fighting for survival, and the Liberals will be lovin’ it.  If they’re smart, they’ll get so much political mileage out of this debacle, that it will last them the next ten elections.  All they have to do now is sit back and watch the ALP self-destruct.  It will be the easiest week in Big Tony’s political career, because all he has to do is smile and kiss a couple of babies.

Of course, let’s not forget the vultures in the back ground.  Mr Crean came out yesterday and slammed Mr Rudd for his behaviour, and declared his support for the Prime Minister.  He was like a hyped up school kid screaming ‘Kick it to me! Kick it to me!’  I’m tipping he won’t be in a job if Rudd gets back in.  However, he must be confident that’s not going to happen…

Then there’s my favourite; Bill Shorten.  Declaring his support for the Prime Minister; sitting at her heels like an obedient, loving pup, all the while quietly sharpening his knives in the background.  He knows the time is not right for him to step in. Not yet.  It would be political suicide.

No, he’ll wait until they’ve lost the next election, and the ALP is looking for a fresh, non-Gillard/Rudd face to lead them.  That’s where he’ll step in.  That’s when he’ll win the prize he’s been seeking for so long.

Shame no one can stand the dodgy little fucker.

So we’re left with Gillard and Rudd; two people who have proven their complete incompetence at leading this great nation, fighting over the right to do so. 

At this point, I feel sorry for the ALP, because not only have they lost their way, but they really have no one to lead them home.  If their choices are Rudd and Gillard, then it’s clearly an issue of selecting the lesser of two evils.

You’ve had your chance, and you’ve failed.  Call an election, and let’s get this shit over with so we can fix the mess you’ve created, which I will point out, will take years.

‘If you can’t govern yourselves, how can you be expected to govern a country?’
Bob Hawke.

Peace out.


So, I'm guessing a 'catch up' doesn't really constitute meeting the challenge, does it?  Oh well; I'm not particularly concerned.

I've got to catch up with six days! SIX DAYS!! So, here they are:


These are a couple of my bookshelves at home, in the study.  I love books and love reading.  I've almost as many novels as I have cookbooks! LOL!


My favourite piece of technology, next to my iphone: my Kobo.  Charlie
bought this for me for my 40th birthday, and it's loaded with books.  I just
love it!!


This is my favourite piece of artwork, which is actually a cross stitch that
I did myself.  I started this when I was recovering from cancer surgery
back in 2004, so it holds a lot of special memories for me.  I apologise
for the photo being on an angle: when I stood directly in front of it, the
light was shining on the picture, and you couldn't see it.


I love this little wooden dragon.  I bought this in Bali, when Charlie and
I were on our honeymoon.  We purchased it from an artists commune
where they specialised in the most amazing wooden sculptures.  This was
only a little piece that I could bring home, and every time I look at it, I do
so with such fondness. Good times.


I have a collection of different things that I'm reading at the moment.  Ken
Follet's Pillars Of The Earth, which Jade raved and raved about.  Various
cookbooks and cooking magazines, which are always floating around the


So, this is my regular breakfast.  A diet shake.  I have only recently  become
addicted to them, and find them fabulous in the mornings.

Wednesday 22 February 2012


Hi peeps,

A friend emailed this to me, and after i resuscitated myself, I thought I would share it with you.

Quoted by: Ross Greenwood of Money News..

Right now the Federal Government is at pains to tell everyone - including us the mug-punters and the International Monetary Fund, that it will not exceed its own, self-imposed, borrowing limits.

How much? $200 billion. And here's a worry. If you work in a bank's money market operation; or if you are a politician; the millions turn into billions and it rolls off the tip of the tongue a bit too easily. but every dollar that is borrowed, some time, has to be repaid. By you, by me and by the rest of the country.

Just after 5 o'clock tonight I did a bit of math for Jason Morrison ( Sydney radio presenter). But it's so staggering its worth repeating now.

First though; here's what Ex-P.M. Rudd has been saying about - what he calls - these temporary borrowings.

Remember Those Words : Temporary Deficit.

The total Government debt could end up around $200 billion.

So here's a very basic calculation. I used a home loan calculator to work it out. it's that simple.

$200 billion is $200,000 million.

The current 10 year Government bond rate is 4.67 per cent. I worked the loan out over a period of 20 years. Now here's where it gets scary, really scary.

The repayments on $200 billion, come to more than one and a quarter billion dollars - every month - for 20 years. It works out we - as taxpayers - will be repaying $15.4 billion in interest and principal every year .. $733 for every man woman and child - every year.

The total interest bill over the 20 years is - get this - $108 billion.

Remember, this is a Government, that just 4 years ago, had NO debt. NO debt.

In fact it had enough money to create the Future Fund, to pay the future liabilities of public servants' superannuation, and it had enough to stick $20 billion into the Building Australia Fund.

Alan Jones Comment. this is frightening: Hmmmmm??

He continues; a note that was sent to me which explains that the six leading members of the Government, from Mr Rudd down, the top six have a collective work experience of 181 years, but only 13 in the private sector.

If you take out of those 13 years the number that were spent as trade union lawyers, that total 11, of the 181 years, only two years were spent in the private sector.

So out of those 181 years:

- no years spent running their own business
- no years spent starting their own business
- no years spent as a director of a family business or a company
- no years as a director of a public company
- no years in a senior position in a public company
- no years in a senior position in a private company
- no years working in corporate finance
- no years in corporate or business restructuring
- no years working in or with a bank
- no years of experience in the capital markets
- no years in a stock-broking firm
- no years in negotiating debt facilities with banks
- no years running a small business
- no years at the World Bank or IMF or OECD
- no years in Treasury or Finance.

But these people have plunged Australia into unprecedented debt, and now threaten to torpedo employee share schemes, which they plainly don't understand.

Well, in a way you can't blame them. It's clear the electorate did not do their homework, because the Government is there by right.

Ah but they are Labor and people vote for them because Labor is good for the working family right???

Tuesday 21 February 2012


OMG.  I’ve fallen behind on my ‘Photo A Day Challenge’!

I suck.

Admittedly, the last week has been very, very hectic, but I’m still a slacker.

I’ll catch up, I promise.

Otherwise, FAIL.

Peace out! :D


So, this week’s challenge is about understanding our happiness.

I find it funny that some of these challenges seem to come along at a coincidental time.  Not that I believe in coincidence: everything happens for a reason.  However, there have been instances where things are going on in my life that align with these challenges, and this is one such instance.

Defining happiness.  What makes me happy?  Can I control what makes me happy?  Am I the creator of my own ‘happiness’?

Or is ‘my happy’ about avoiding ‘sad’?

Or, am I just over thinking it? J

I think I’m a similar to Deb, the creator of this 52 week challenge, in that, to understand what makes me happy, I need to define what makes me sad.  Does that make sense?

Let me give you an example.

For the last six months, I’ve been planning a sausage sizzle at Bunning’s in Craigieburn for my CWA branch.

My girlfriend Carmel and I have only been members of this branch for about 18 months; we’re pups in the CWA scene!  Most of the other members are 70 plus in age, and their ideas are steeped in traditions and habits; not that there’s anything wrong with that.

However, with new members comes the suggestion of change, and such is the case for Carmel and I, and the Tooby CWA.

We suggested doing a sausage sizzle at Bunning’s in an attempt to raise more funds.  The more funds we raise, the more we can pump into our local community.  The other members of the branch were incredibly supportive, and very trusting in letting us do this.

Due to their age, the majority of the members are restricted as to what they could do, which Carmel and I perfectly understand.  We would never put forward something so massive (in our branch’s eyes, anyway) if we weren’t prepared to do the hard yards ourselves.  As such, the majority of the work fell back on Carmel and I.

Six months of planning and research went into this venture.  Seems strange, doesn’t it?  It’s only a sausage sizzle, after all.  However, with two friends that do them on a regular basis, raising well over $1000 each time, we felt that their guidance and advice would be invaluable to us.

Every time I went to a Bunning’s store, I would go on a stakeout.  I would buy a snag, stand near the stall, and eat it (and make Charlie do the same!), whilst all the time watching what the stall operators would do.  It was very easy to learn what was effective and efficient, and what wasn’t.

Seems like overkill, for sure, but there was a lot riding on Carmel’s and my shoulders.  We had asked the ladies of the CWA to step outside of their comfort zone, and completely trust us with this venture.  If it failed, not only would we have let ourselves down, but these beautiful ladies as well.  Their faith in us would surely be tested.

On a personal level, I’ve been so excited about this venture for months.  We had all of the boxes ticked, and were ready to rock and roll.  The thought of failure never entered my mind.  Never.

Until two days before the event. 

On Friday, I posted a status on my Facebook, asking anyone if they were in the area, to call in and have a snag to support the event. Simple enough post, to which I really didn’t expect much of a result, but you never know.

That’s when my positive resolve was completely shattered. 

A family member posted that it a Bunning’s BBQ was a complete waste of time.  She had done it in conjunction with a footy club, and had raised a pittance.  She simply felt it was a complete waste of time.

I was devastated.  

I read her comments, and simply exploded in tears! I was so upset! I couldn’t believe I’d just received such a massive kick in the guts to a request for charitable support!  All the confidence I had built up over the past months, all of the anxiety curbing reassurances had just flown out the window.

This shit happens to me all the time!  Correction: I allow this shit to happen to me all the time!  I permit myself to be happy; to build up confidence and be excited about something, and the universe conspires to burst my bubble!!  FUCK!!!

Now, this family member would have had no idea of the impact of her words.  None at all.  I have no doubt that in her own mind, she was trying to help me.  However, her words were like a wrecking ball.

I had a mild anxiety attack, and even after the reassurance of my understanding friends, I was very unsettled on the day of trade.

However, my nerves were abated as the day simply became busier and busier.  I spent the entire day cooking snags and onions, and throwing them at bits of bread that Carmel held out to me. 

It was a roaring success that netted quite a substantial amount for the CWA.  What a difference we will be able to make with that money.

I reflect on it now, and I can’t believe what I’ve allowed to happen.  Someone else’s negative view on a situation has completely influenced me, to a point where, not only has it had a physical and emotional effect on me, but a mental one too.  It changed my outlook on everything.

And I do this shit time and time again.  Yes: a recurring pattern.

I learnt so much from the experience, but most importantly, that one person’s negative experience isn’t a clear indication of reality.  What happens to you won’t necessarily happen to me.

What I also learnt, was that some people are just plain negative.  They seem to have these… glasses on, that have ‘negative’ lenses in them, and all they see in the world is negativity.

My husband is very much like this.  He has a negative outlook on life, which is strange for someone that’s also very positive.  Quite contradictory, actually, but that’s what he’s like.  One minute, he can be surprisingly thoughtful, and the next; very harsh and judgemental, and often unnecessarily so.

Mmmm… negativity.  Wha specifically brings me down? What is it that I allow to let in, that makes me sad:

·         Peoples constant negative outlook
·         Their lack of appreciation for what they have, and winging about what they do not
·         Unnecessary judgement
·         Forceful opinions and views
·         Forever criticising
·         Their inability to be happy about someone else’s successes and rewards
·         An unacknowledged need to spoil someone’s happiness
·         Lack of support

These are the things that tie themselves around my heart like an anchor, and drag me under; back into the depths of depression.

That’s what happened to me a couple of days ago when I read that status comment; I was under so quickly, that it shocked even me.  My emotional reaction was astonishing.

I suppose this harkens back to another one of my challenges, in that I have to focus on not taking things personally.  Like I said before; just because it failed for someone else, doesn’t mean that will be my story.  We’re all different.

Perhaps it’s another indication that I have to separate myself from other people’s comments and issues, and remember that it’s their journey, and not to take it personally.  They can wear their negative glasses; I’ll be fine without them.

In saying that, I’m a firm believer in what you send out, you receive back threefold.  This year I have tried really hard to focus on pushing out as much real positive energy as I possibly can, because I believe I will receive it back in return.

How can that be a bad thing? 

However, there are always people that come into your life, and influence it in a negative way, no matter what you do.  They chip away at the armour of happiness you wear, just because they can neither relate to it nor stand it.  They don’t even know that they have to burst your bubble; it’s an unconscious thing.

When I stop and think about it; I have a lot of these types of people in my life really…

So, one key to my happiness is not letting any of these negative flags drag me down.  Don’t take things personally.  Don’t let that negativity seep in, because where it takes me, is not a place I wish to go again.  Ever.

The other thing I’ve learnt recently is that one of the things that makes me extremely happy, is cooking.  More specifically; cooking for others.

I’ve known this for a long time, but I’ve really felt it hit home over recent months.

I loved spending the day behind the BBQ on Sunday, with my snags and onions, churning out some yummy food for people to enjoy.  Forget that we were fundraising; I was having a great time!  So did everyone that came along to help, too.  It was a great day!

I think if you’re enjoying yourself and having a good time, people pick up on it.  Maybe the positivity we were pushing out came back to us through the cash tin? *shrugs* Who knows?

Throughout last week, I’d also partaken in a Group Conference for CWA, where I was responsible for catering and running the kitchen.  All of the ladies produced some wonderful food, and I produced some of the best shit I had ever cooked in my life.  It looked beautiful, and went down a treat, and we all had so much fun doing it.  Again, the positive energy we generated was returned to us through appreciation from our guests.  That was a great reward.  They will all be keen to come to our function again, which in turn means we will have the opportunity to raise more funds.

This week’s experiences just reaffirmed for me that the direction in which I wish to take my life in, is the right one. 

I’ve just got to focus long term, and make it happen. 

I’ve got to focus, and not take things personally. 

I’ve got to focus, and control the impact of negativity, by not letting it in.

I’ve got to focus, and secure and expand my happiness.

There are many other things that contribute to my happiness, but this blog will go on forever if I start rambling about them.  You basically get the drift by what I’ve written so far.

Life is full of experiences and lessons; we ALL need to take the positive from everything and learn from it.

Peace out.

Wednesday 15 February 2012




OMG.  Talk about opening up a can of worms... what's in my bag...

Well, this is my 'work bag'.  As I travel so far to work each day, I like to take as much
crap with me as possible, just in case I need something.  Work is two hours from home, so it's not 
like I can whip home for ten minutes if I need something.

So, my bag has a lot of stuff in it.  Let me run through a couple of things with you:
my purse, phone, business cards, breath mints, glasses case, glasses cleaner, deodorant,
body spray, band aids, panadol, travacalm, mirror, pressed powder, lip glosses,
lip balms, lip sticks, hand cream, hand sanitizer (no surprise there), a mini torch,
office keys, car/house keys, keys to mum's unit, colour samples for her unit,
flash drive for work (backup), memory stick, pens, pencils, and I believe
there is a prescription in the bottom of my bag too.

Oh, and an apple.

And that's not including what's in my purse..... 

Peace out.


Sounds like a union chant, doesn’t it? 

Somehow though, I can’t see a group of angry geriatrics marching in front of the local council offices with placards demanding a ‘fair go’.  The ladies of the Country Women’s Association of Victoria are far too classy for such behaviour.

I recently learnt of a situation in the lovely town of Castlemaine, where the CWA ladies have run into some difficulties, at the hands of the local council. 

Of all things for Andrew Bolt to blog about…

Anyway, the upshot of the article is that some years ago, the CWA ladies gave up the weatherboard building where they held their meetings for the council.  The building was relocated to a local reserve, and in the CWA ladies were permitted to use the new Ray Bradfield Rooms at no charge.

It was an old school handshake agreement, which no one can seem to find any paperwork to support.

Be that as it may, the Mt Alexander Shire Council has now decided that the ladies need to contribute $2500.00 a year to the shire for the use of these rooms. 

Why?  Because the previous agreement was made by the ‘old shire’ and, more than likely, other groups could possibly use the room AND pay for it.

So much for crown honour.

Now, being a member of a rural branch of the CWA myself, I am proud to say that the community hall we meet at supports us and charges us a minimal fee for usage.  I think it’s fair to pay a fee, and our branch has no qualms in doing so.  We appreciate the support of our Shire, through our community hall committee.

However, we don’t have a ‘free pass’ handshake agreement in place either, unlike the ladies at Castlemaine.

Not only did they have an ‘understanding’ with the council (which, according to the Mt Alexander Mayor Janet Cropley, is a ‘myth’), but there is no way a very small, rural based branch of the CWA can produce can $2500.00 per year.  They would be lucky to fund raise a quarter of that.

AND, to rub salt into their wounds even further, the Major declared that ‘there’s nothing special about the CWA’.

Nothing special.  About the CWA.

Sure, the CWA are no less or no more important than any other community/charity group out there.  Granted.  But… nothing special?

Mmmm… forget the decades and decades of tradition within this organisation.  Forget the local, state-wide, national and international charity work that this organisation does. Forget the sisterhood and companionship that this group provides to women in rural areas.  It all means nothing.

I wonder if the soldiers in Afghanistan think ‘there’s nothing special about the CWA’ when they pull on their hand knitted beanies and fingerless gloves during the cold Afghan night. 

I wonder if the new mothers in the Mansfield region think ‘there’s nothing special about the CWA’ when they receive their ‘new mum’ package from the ladies from the Mansfield CWA?

I wonder if the teachers at Tooborac Primary School think ‘there’s nothing special about the CWA’ when their kids are receiving valuable assistance when attending their YELP classes; funded by the CWA.

I wonder if the various organisations, schools, hospitals, charities, fire brigades, families, students and farmers that benefit from the organisations fundraising efforts, think there’s nothing special about the CWA?

Clearly the members of the Castlemaine Football club don’t.

On MTR Radio, the president of the CFC said that he’s more than happy for the ladies to use their club rooms for their meetings, free of charge.  ‘They’re a valuable part of our community, and we appreciate the ladies of the CWA.’

Well, I’m glad someone does.

Maybe they need to point that out to the Mt Alexander Major.  Though, I’m tipping after the roasting she received the other morning on MTR Radio, and the hammering she’s apparently received in the local media, she will certainly be thinking about it now.

This defector from Dandenong, (yeah, I’m one of them too!) clearly doesn’t understand the way a country town works.  So, I’ll happily share my gained knowledge with her, and assist my fellow Nong-ite. 

It’s quite simple, really: don’t piss off the footy club, the netball club, the CFA or the CWA, and you’ll be right.

Mmm… she may have the power to enforce change, but so do the people.  Their power is much greater, and usually unleashed with vengeance at a polling booth.

Now if you’ll forgive me, I’m off to bake some scones.

Peace out.

Tuesday 14 February 2012


So, you would have seen my post last week about the awesome Lloydy passing on.  

My bffl Marika received a card from the vet yesterday, and it included a beautiful poem, which I thought I would share with you.  I know Marika won't mind me sharing it, either.

If it should be that I grow weak,
And pain should keep me from my sleep,
Then you must do what must be done,
For this last battle cannot be won.
You will be sad, I understand;
Don't let your grief then stay your hand.
For this day more than all the rest,
Your love for me must stand the test.

We've had so many happy years -
What is to come can hold no fears.
You'd not want me to suffer so;
The time has come, so let me go.

Take me where my needs they'll tend
And please stay with me until the end.
Hold me firm and speak to me
Until my eyes no longer see.

I know in time that you will see
The kindness that you did for me.
Although my tail its last has waved,
From pain and suffering I've been saved.

Please do not grieve - it must be you
Who had this painful thing to do.
We've been so close, we two, these years -
Don't let your heart hold back its tears.

RIP Lloydy.

Peace out



Fitting for Valentines Day, isn't it? The one I love (or least want to kill).



So the other day, I’m unloading the washing machine, and transferring clothes up into the dryer.  Yes, I have a dryer, and I use it all the time.  Pitfalls of living in the middle of a dust bowl in bum fuck nowhere.  No point having a clothes line when they continually get covered in dust, and/or blown over into Puckapunyal from the cyclonic winds.

Anyway, as I’m unloading the clothes, I come across the bunched up little piece of lace.  I unravel it, and low and behold; I’m staring at a little, tiny, black, lacy g-string.


I look at the washing machine, which is full of Charlie’s clothing, and back at the g-banger.  How the fuck did this get in with Charlie’s clothes?

Scenario number one: he’s into wearing women’s underwear.  Now, I never see him get dressed in the mornings, because he’s up earlier than me.  For all I know, he could put on the pretty lacy stuff under his workpants.  Maybe it feels nice? 

No… I don’t think so.

Scenario number two: he’s having an affair.  It’s come out of his washing… it could have been in one of his pockets… I didn’t check his pockets… wtf?  But…. He’s not that type of person….

As my world starts crumbling around me, I look over at one of the wash baskets, and I can see in there, amounts the other washing, another g-banger.  I rummage through the clothing, and produce no less than four of them. 

OMG.  They’re Jade’s.  Jade’s wearing these fucken lacy g-bangers!

Firstly, how could I think Charlie’s having an affair?  What a fucken idiot?  I mean, he’s gorgeous and all, but really!  He’s just not that type of person!  I mentally apologised like a million times to him as relief flooded through me.

‘Jade!’ I bellowed.


‘Can you come to the laundry please?’ 

Thump. Thump. Thump. Thump. ‘What?’

‘Don’t fucken speak to me like that!’


‘What the fuck is this?’ I held up the offending garment.

‘That’s my underwear.’ She said matter-of-factly.

‘Why the fuck are you wearing this shit?  You’re fourteen!  FOURTEEN!’

‘I like it.  It makes me feel pretty.’

‘It makes you feel pretty. You don’t need this shit to feel pretty!  AT FOURTEEN!’

‘I like wearing it.’

I looked at the g-banger, and back at Jade.  ‘Who bought you these?’


Great.  Her lovely biological mother, who’s morals are more than questionable, has bought her daughter lacy g-strings.  What the fuck?  Who buys lacy g-strings for their fourteen year old daughter?  Am I the only one that thinks that’s all forms of fucked up?

‘I seriously don’t know what to make of this.’

‘What’s the problem?’ Jade asked, hand on hip.

‘I don’t really know, to be honest… I just think you’re too young to wear this kind of stuff, is all.’ I replied, calming down a little bit.  ‘You’re in too much of a hurry to grow up.’ I added, throwing the g-banger into the dryer.  ‘Too much of a hurry.’

A couple of days later, after I had recovered from the shock, I was unloading the dryer, and pulled a pretty little pink one out just as Charlie walked in the back door.

‘Well hello honey!’ he smiled at me, taking the g-banger from me.  He held it up and looked at it, and then the expression on his face slowly changed.  His brows furrowed as he studied the lingerie… looked at me…. Back to the lingerie…


‘No.  They’re not mine.’

‘Then who…’


Charlie screamed, threw the lingerie at me and leapt back about four feet, plastering himself against the freezer in the mud room opposite me.  ‘What the fuck?’ he said, pointing at them in horror, as Jade came thumping in from the next room.

‘What happened?’ she asked, looking back and forth between us.

‘Dad discovered your underwear.’ I said simply.

‘Oh.’ She said, shrugged, and returned to the lounge room.

‘What the fuck is she wearing that shit for?’ he cried in despair.  ‘She’s fucken fourteen?’

‘Ask your ex-wife; the one that bought them for her.  Apparently, she feels it okay.’

‘I don’t want my daughter dressing like a whore…’

‘A whore?’ I laughed.  ‘For fucks sake, Charlie.  Two seconds ago, you thought they were mine.  Clearly, it’s okay for me to dress like a whore, but not her?’


‘Fuck off you idiot.’ I laughed, and tossed Jade’s grundies in her basket. 

‘I’m not coping.’ He said firmly.  ‘I’m not coping!’

‘Have a mug of concrete love.’ I said, continuing to sort the drying.

‘Why would she want to wear them?’ he asked feebly.

I shrugged. ‘Why does any woman want to wear them.  They make her feel pretty, apparently.’

‘Pretty? Who the fucks going to see them?’ he gasped in horror.  ‘Does someone see them? Is she letting someone see them?  Is my daughter-‘he started panicking.

‘No, for fucks sake man!  Calm down!  She’s not that type of girl.  She likes displaying her junk, but she’s not that kind of girl.  Let her be.  It’s harmless.’

‘I’m not coping…’ he muttered, as he wandered into the kitchen.  ‘I’m not coping…’ he added, and fussed around pouring himself a scotch and coke.

‘Bit early, isn’t it?’ I asked, walking into the kitchen a few minutes later.  He was sitting at the table, sipping his drink.

‘I’m not coping.’