Friday 5 August 2011


Well, I must say; I was blown away by last night’s Masterchef results.

Clearly my eyes had deceived me in the promotional spoiler; Kate made it through.  Lesson here: wear your glasses when watching telly.

So; the Sweet Assassin strikes again, and with something as seemingly simple as a Gingerbread House.  Of course, this is no ordinary Gingerbread House, is it?  No.  Apart from being a diabetic nightmare, it’s a Zumbo creation.

Zumbo. *shudders* Zumbo *shudders* Zumbo *shudders*

Talk about setting an impossible challenge.  Even four and a half hours couldn’t see a decent house thrown up in that time.  I seriously wonder how long Zumbo took to make it.  Or should I say, how many people he had to help him make it.  That house was a freak.

At least he was happy with Kate’s freckle.  Sorry; freckles. 

Interesting too, that the winner of this challenge was determined by having less of a train wreck on the plate than their competitor.  The judges called Kate’s house ‘charming’.  I called it ‘less fucked’.

I think Michael/Michelle would have been watching that challenge with a great deal of interest, and thanking God that he wasn’t down there.  He would have been too busy licking the sugar windows to complete the challenge anyway.

Poor Alana.  I did feel for her last night. I even shed a tear.  She had given it her all, she told us.  Particularly in the last three weeks, when she made the top 6.  I wonder what she was giving before then…

She was so astonished to be in the competition in the first place; I wonder if she’s realised that she’s not in it anymore? With her husband dressing like Matt Preston and everyone waving score cards at her, it’s bound be a tad confusing…

And she was right; she’s still on the podium.  Bronze medal.  Well done.  Now, she will be lifted to the loft heights that the previous seasons bronze medallists have experienced. 

Who were they again? 

Anyway, good luck to her in the future.  She did well to get this far.

So we’re down to the final two: Michael/Michelle and Kate.

Matt Preston has declared that there has never been such an evenly matched final before.  I wonder if Adam, Callum, Julie and Poh would agree with that. 

So, why are they so evenly matched? 

Forget that they have a fantastic knowledge of food (and weird food at that), and an extensive understanding of food combinations and preparation.  No, it’s because they have the amazing ability to recover from completely fucking everything up and losing the plot part way through the challenge. 
This is quite simply, a super power.  They should be wearing their undies on the outside. 

It will be an interesting finale. 

I cannot wait for the start of the show, where I’m expecting a montage of flashbacks over the season, and moving scenes of them genuflecting on their time in the house as they pack their suitcases, and pull pictures of their loved ones off the wall.  As they sit down to their last meal together.  As they discuss the restless night’s sleep they had. As they gush over how grateful they are for this opportunity, and how much they have learned through this journey. As they button up their white chefs jackets. As they express their dreams and fears for one last time.

*sigh* I cannot wait, and I’ll be pissed if this doesn’t happen.  Ripped off.

However, will it be the simple things that cause these great cooks to stumble, just like the recipe challenge?  Have they become so caught up in their need to cook like a Masterchef cooks, that they forget the basics?

What challenges will they be faced with?  Three I dare say.  A skills test? A personal challenge where the can cook what they want? Some weird arse fancy shit that someone like Heston Blumenthal has set, that really belongs in a laboratory, not a kitchen?

As far as passion goes; Michael/Michelle has it in truck loads.  He wants this more than a fat kid wants to be let loose in Willy Wonka’s Chocolate Factory.  Who would have thought that someone could turn out to be more annoying than Dani.

As for Kate, she just seems to be so shocked that she made it there.  More shocked than Alana at still being in the competition (oh that’s right, she’s gone now), and more shocked than we were when Dani made it to the top four.

So who will come out on top?  Who will be Australia’s next Masterchef?  Maybe Matt Preston was right, because I can’t pick it.

Unfortunate for Kate that Michael/Michelle’s sister’s not judging, because she would gag on whatever he put up, and she’s be in like Flynn.

Maybe the producers can do that for us.  Maybe they can determine who wins… that would be fair, wouldn’t it?  Yeah.  Of course.

So, buckle up for the final instalment.  Clear your Sunday night.  Take the phone off the hook.  Tear yourself away from Facebook and my blog (I know it’s hard), and brace yourself for the greatest show on earth.

Boom! Boom! Shake the room!

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