Thursday 18 August 2011


Definition of Annoying:

When you driving into the supermarket car park at 7.50am, and the only cars in there, apart from yours, are the staff cars.  There’s like no one else there, and a million places to park in the vast space that is the supermarket car park.

So, I park my car and think ‘Woo hoo!  I can drive straight out without having to stuff around reversing and shit! Yeah!’

Am I alone in being excited about this? Please say no.

Anyway, when you come out of the supermarket, the only other person in there, who has a million other car spaces to choose from, parks directly in front of you?

Of all spaces, they pick that one. So now, you have to reverse out.  They couldn’t park beside you, a couple of spaces away from you, in a completely different section? No.  They park right in front of you.

You are fucking kidding me?  Why?  Why would you do that?

You dumbarse.

THAT is the definition of annoying.

Annoyed peace out.

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