Sunday 10 June 2012


You know what?

If I was going to enter a competition like Masterchef, (kill me if I ever suggest the idea), I would ensure one thing: I was packing a fully loaded arsenal of knowledge. 

In my view, you can’t go into a competition like this with limited knowledge.  You’re supposed to be a Masterchef, after all, and your knowledge should be broad, if not thorough.

So, here are the top five things that I would ensure before I entered Masterchef:

One:                Learn to fillet a fish.
Two:                Get a grasp of as many different cuisines as I possibly could.
Three:             Be able to make pasta and bread.
Four:               Be able to make sauces and dressings.
Five:                Learn to fucken bake.

It’s funny how people write off baking.  Just because you can spew up some magnificently pretty, Asian inspired masterpiece with pretty purple flowers on it and perfectly balanced flavours, doesn’t mean you can fucken cook.

What kind of cook can’t bake?

Baking is like a foundation of all cooking.  Understanding balances of flavours is one thing, but understanding the chemistry of a fucken cake is another.

People forget that baking is not just about pumping out beautifully decorated comfort food that you throw in the kids lunch box or take to an afternoon tea.  It’s about really understanding the way that ingredients work with one another in an oven.

It’s not like you’re cooking on the stove top, and can shift gears part way through the process.  Once that bun’s in the oven, there’s no turning back.

I am absolutely astonished at how many competitors on Masterchef are not competent bakers.

When they’re given a challenge that requires baking, like last nights ‘Afternoon Tea’ challenge, the majority of them outwardly groan.

This really pisses me off.

Harden the fuck up.  You’re supposed to be the top 24 amateur cooks in the country; you should not only be able to bake, but fucken love it.  Don’t complain when you’re given a challenge; that’s the whole concept of the show, you lunatics.

Of course, we have our stars that love to shine, and there are a couple of clear front runners in the baking department.

My buddy Filippo, who’s intensity still freaks me out, and Julia, who’s arrogance makes me want to throw the remote at the telly.  The only thing that stops me is that it’s a $1500 telly that’s not worth sacrificing for her.

So, when they’re told to create an afternoon tea for like 100 people, I’m astonished at what they produce.  Sure, they have to forage around for their ingredients; that’s not the problem.

The problem is that they looked pretty ordinary.  I would expect that cooks of their standards would produce things that looked perfect.  Tarts and éclairs that were uniform.  Jam filled biscuits that were not the size of saucers with jam running everywhere.  How fucken amateur.  And little mini muffiny things that didn’t look like something that a five year old had produced (apologies to all five year olds that can actually cook).

The only thing that looked decent were the melting moments, and I swear; if I heard anyone bang on any more about Julia handing over her precious recipe to Mario with strict instructions to not destroy it, I would again throw the remote at the telly.

For fucks sake: it’s a melting moment.  Get over yourselves *rolls eyes*

So both teams think that they’re going to win and one get’s absolutely annihilated.  Gee, what a surprise.

Again, I’m sitting on the couch feeling insulted because these ‘best amateur cooks in Australia’ can’t bake, and I can.  Sure, I can’t fillet a fucken fish, but at least my cupcakes are uniform and my jam biccies wouldn’t look like murdered Frisbees.

Maybe the name of the show should be Masterbake, because subjecting these numpties to a baking competition would sort the men from the boys.

Watching them freak out because they can’t continually spew out Mexican, Asian, Indian or weird shit would be entertaining; possibly more entertaining than the snore-fest we’re getting now.

However, apparently Jamie Oliver and Rick Stein are coming in soon, so at least we’ll finally get to see some people that can really fucken cook (and bake!).

Peace out.

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