Tuesday 20 December 2011


Tis the season to be jolly.


I’m over Christmas already, and it hasn’t even started yet.  I’m had it hammered into my head for months now, on television and in the stores.  Sale after sale, decoration after decoration, and slowly, slowly, the crowds in the shopping centres are getting bigger and bigger.

I was smart this year.  Well, I think so anyway.  You see, I started my Christmas shopping in July, and have been buying on line for months, spreading out the ridiculous cost of everything, and stashing away my goodies in an attempt to avoid the nightmare Christmas crowds.

However, as I find myself inevitably forced to face the crowds for gifts I can’t buy online, some things have become glaringly obvious to me.


Just after grand final day.  That’s when I saw the first Christmas decorations appear in the stores.  One of my friends posted a picture of a Christmas tree on Facebook around this time, as she was as horrified as I was. 

Please explain to me why stores put these decorations up so soon?  Surely, having to put up with all of the bullshit through the month of December is bad enough, but having to endure the torture for a full three months is enough to force me out of shopping centres, and online.

This is why retailers are struggling this year: it’s the suffocating displays of tinsel.

I’m tipping that on the 27th of January 2012 (day after Australia day) we will see Easter stuff in the stores. Just you wait and see…

Christmas Paraphernalia

I think plum puddings, Christmas cake, gingerbread houses and trees, white Christmas, truffles and my kryptonite: mince tarts; should be available all year round.  I love this stuff; it’s awesome.  It should be in the stores all the time so I’m not forced to have to make it. 

However, in saying that, I dare say all of this good stuff is compensation for the fucken crap we have to endure through the festive season.

The decorations you can buy these days (I sound like an old woman) are absolutely beautiful.  It’s such an effort to put everything up, that it’s a shame to take them all down.  In fact, some people don’t.  How many of you have fairy lights that have been up for like the last ten years?

I love this shit.  It should stay up and make pretty all year, I say to you.


Shopping annoys me at the best of times, unless of course it’s grocery shopping or shopping in cookware supply places, like House or The General Trader.  Anything else I don’t really give a shit about.

Unless it’s chocolate.

So having to deal with the great unwashed whilst I’m shopping is horrifying. My little bottle of hand sanitiser gets hammered, let me tell you.   I would rather be stripped naked, tied up and dragged across a field of broken glass than have to deal with the shopping crowds during the Christmas period.

The whole experience seems to bring out a different aspect to our simplistic human nature.  A vicious, violent and selfish side, as we desperately dive for the last box of chocolates, the last Barbie doll, the last ipod/pad/phone, the last book and the best bargain, all of which we don’t really want to buy, but are forced to by, not only because of our tendency for material satisfaction, but out of sheer desperation for social accolades rated on the awesomeness of said present.

I tire of being rammed with trolleys, shoved and bumped out of the way, pushed in front of in queues, having things taken out of my hands by other shoppers (yes, that has actually happened to me), and being rammed by untethered infants.  Gaaaa….

And don’t even get me started on the car park… OMG… the most passive people become aggressive stunt drivers in a shopping centre car park at Christmas time… sweet Jesus it’s frightening…

Thank god for online shopping.  It’s the sanctuary for the sane and patient.

Excessive Cost/Commercialisation

If some people really tallied the amount of money they justify on Christmas presents, they could save it, escape the whole commercialised circus, and go overseas on holidays for a couple of weeks.

Think about it.  How much money do you spend on Christmas?  You could be sunning yourself on a beach in Bali right now, my friend.  Instead, your awesome holiday is sitting under the tinsel-bombed tree in your living room, wrapped up and tagged with other people’s fucken names on them.

Christmas presents have gotten out of control.  We find ourselves spending more and more on shit that people don’t need.

The other night, Kitty Flannagan said on The Project; ‘Everyone you know has a popcorn maker, and egg poacher, a donut maker and a crock pot.  It’s called a saucepan.  Get into it.’

How much shit to we purchase for the people we love, to show them how much we love them, which we don’t need to do, because for 364 days a year we have already shown them, but we have to purchase them some ridiculous gift to prove it, all out of guilt and in the name of Christmas.

The real meaning of Christmas has been lost in a whirlwind of commercialisation and social niceties and necessities.  I don’t need a present from you to know that you love me.  However if you buy me chocolate, I’m yours.  In every way.

The Crap Gift

This really speaks for itself, doesn’t it?

Now, I don’t expect presents from anyone, though in true hypocritical fashion, appreciate them when they are given.  However, if you are going to spend your hard earned money on me, then buy something that I will use and treasure.

A plastic, singing fish mounted on a piece of wood is not an example of something I will use and treasure. 

If you don’t know what to buy me, then clearly, you don’t know me that well, and I shouldn’t be on your fucken list.  However, if I am fortunate enough to be on your list, then don’t waste your money on a singing fish; just ask me what I want, or buy a voucher so I can go and get what I want. 

And shove your singing fish fair up your clacka.

Public Toilets

You know where I stand on this.  Just know that they’re out of control at Christmas time, and I can’t cope with it.

Again, thank the good Lord for online shopping and hand sanitizer. 

I am waiting for the day that they have spray on hand sanitizer, so that when the great unwashed and their children get within my hoop, I can spray them and the air around me.  Now there’s a present idea…

You Can’t Get Anything Done

You can forget it if you want your plumbing fixed, the gutters repaired, your lawns mowed, your tv connected up, a new wardrobe installed, your car serviced, a doctor, a dentist, anyone medical, or anything that requires a tradesman, because the whole world ceases to exist during the Christmas/New Year period.

Sure, these guys work hard and need a break, but if something of mine is broken (including my body), being the typical, self-centred Gen X that I am, I want it fixed immediately.  I don’t care if you’re on holidays in Bali with your family (because you were smart enough to give them THAT as a Christmas present instead of a heap of plastic fish).  I need you now!

Teenage Oxygen Thieves

Again, I feel this says it all.

I curse school holidays.  Why can’t kids just not go to school all year round?  Seriously?  Surely there is more stuff that they can be taught?

They hang around in groups in shopping centres, on the streets, at cinemas and in stores and take up space and make noise.  They wear no clothes, dirty clothes, ripped clothes, oversized clothes, undersized clothes, clashing patterns; messy, bleached, dirty, sticky-upy hair, and make up applied with a trowel (boys included).

And they smell.  Not just the ‘I haven’t showered for a week because I’m on school holidays and don’t have to’ smell; they smell of twenty cans of impulse each, chewing gum, V, smoke and attitude.


People That Complain About Over Indulging

Here’s a thought: don’t.

Don’t complain.  There are people fucken starving in the world, and you’re complaining about having too much ham to eat?  Fucken get over yourself.  We’re lucky to have that shit, and I tell you, at the cost of about fifty thousand dollars a kilo for ham now, we are fucken lucky to have it.

Sure, we have to mortgage the house to get it (and again, to accommodate the social expectations that the festive season demands) but we get it just the same.  Then we glaze it, gorge on it, enjoy it and complain about it.

Just a side note: seafood is not Christmas fare.

People say they put on weight over the Christmas period.  I don’t, but yet again, I’m a heifer anyway, so I wouldn’t notice a couple of extra kilo’s.  That’s a good crap for me.

The food we eat isn’t that bad, and it’s only for like a couple of days anyway.  We have 362-3 days to recover from it and torture ourselves at the gym and with every other morsel of food we put in our mouths anyway.  What’s the problem?

As for alcohol?  Well, if you’re going to drink yourselves under the table to celebrate, firstly: go hard, and secondly, suck it up princess.  You indulge, you suffer.  Follow up your booze with a mug of concrete, and harden the fuck up.

People That LOVE Christmas


Family Gatherings

This is always interesting. 

Getting a whole heap of family together to ‘celebrate’ Christmas, when ordinarily, you wouldn’t socialise with one another in a pink fit.  In fact, some of you hate each other, back stab each other, criticise each other’s work/parenting/partner/clothes/hair/car/house, and so on.  Not only are you forced to spend time together in the name of Christmas, but you’re forced to buy one another presents.  Hahahhaa…

God love Kris Kringle, I say.

Aside from the stress of present buying and organising the annual Christmas meal, the family gathering is the single most stressful part of the festive season, which is sad, as it should be the most joyous.

However, some of you have fucken nutters for family members, so have a ball with that.

All in all, most of us see Christmas as a joyous celebration spend with family and friends, offering kindness, love and appreciation for the year coming to a close.

For the rest of us, it’s simply a head fuck, and I can’t wait for it to be over.


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