Thursday 8 December 2011


Well, so much for my return to tennis.

You may recall, a couple of months ago I started back at tennis again.  What did I do whilst playing?  Pulled my left calf muscle.

Took three damn weeks to get over that shit, then I developed this issue with a kidney stone.

So last night saw me return to tennis, as a fill in (thank God), and it was awesome.  I had so much fun! Had a good hit with some new people, and right at the end of my last set: SNAP!  There went my right calf.


Clearly, I have developed an issue with my calves now. 

The sad thing is; I had already booked an appointment with the osteopath for Friday, so I must have known I would break down like the old hack that I am.

I can’t believe it.  I just can’t believe it.

Is it too much to ask you to just let me have some damn fun?  *Waves fist at the sky* Tuesday night tennis is not about sheep stations; it’s about having fun, and now; apparently, I can’t even have that *wallows in own self-pity*

And a week before the finals, too.  Damn.

So, it looks like I won’t be back to tennis this year (devo # 1), I won’t be back to the gym before Christmas (devo #2) and I’ll be limping around like an invalid for the next couple of weeks (devo # 3).  It’s not like I’m going to be busy over the next couple of weeks, either.  It’s not like I don’t have visitors coming, groceries to buy, Christmas shopping to finish, housework to do, and unpacking to help Iris with.

And whilst I’m wallowing in my own self-pity, do you think I got any sympathy from the family (Iris excluded, who was very concerned)?


Charlie: What have you done now?  How long did you last on court?  Oh, that’s no good.  Good night; I’m going to bed.

Jade: Why are you limping?  Oh.  *tries not to laugh* 

Really nice, that was.  I just love the people I live with. 

If it was them, I would be expected to wait on them hand and foot, and I would never hear the end of their complaining, or requests for massages. 

Shame it doesn’t work the other way.  My request for a calf massage (or assistance with the exercises the osteo has given me) is met with rolling eyes and complaints declaring the sheer inconvenience of it all.

See how they like it next time they hurt themselves.

End of self-pity rant.

So, I’m hoping that I can get my shit together so that I can return to tennis next February.  This may entail a bit of osteo work and some serious ‘calf work’ at the gym to get my body behaving as it’s told to.

However, it’s not just the disappointment in not being able to participate in a fun activity and make new friends as I go.  No; it’s the sheer inconvenience and pain you have to put up with.

You don’t realise how much you take your body for granted until it breaks down on you.  I can’t even properly climb the stairs at work, which is a total pain in the arse. I build up a pile of paperwork, files and crap so that I only have to climb up there once or twice, instead of the forty-seven times a day that I do.  How sad is that?


Actually, you think I’d have calves of steel after running up and down those stairs so many damn times a day.  Pffft.  Useless stairs.

Oh well *sigh*.

Look after yourselves, peeps.  We only have one chance and one body.

Peace out.

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