Friday 9 December 2011


So the reality that Iris is moving out of Allenbee Fields and into her new unit this week, is starting to hit home.

The last month has been hard, because I’ve been sick and unhappy and impatient with the world, which makes dealing with renovations and stuff a challenge.

I mean no disrespect to Iris when I say this, but I’ve had to make a lot of decisions for her, and explain things endlessly, because she doesn’t understand.  This is the first time she has moved house in 48 years, so I think that’s understandable.

It’s all foreign, it’s all new and it’s frightening.  So, at 75 years of age, I can understand that she’s scared to make decisions and choices.  She’s simply frightened of making the wrong one, and being stuck.

I get that.

She’s well out of her comfort zone, and has gone through some massive changes this year.  It’s only natural that she’s a little nervous about everything…

However, having to deal with this stuff on top of everything else has been difficult, and although I am looking forward to her moving into her unit, and some of the pressure being eased, I am going to miss her terribly.

I went to bed last night and had a bit of a sook about it, because I like her floating around the house.  I like going out to dinner with her and the family once a week, even if it is McDonalds in Thomastown after we bought her new telly the other night.

Iris is easy company.  She’s not high maintenance or hard work.  She’s just… easy going.  She stresses out a little bit (a lot actually), but when she’s comfortable and chilled, she’s awesome.

It’s nice to sit in the lounge with her at night time, and watch the cooking channel.  I thank God that I finally have someone that enjoys the cooking channel as much as I do.

When Charlie goes to bed, and Jade is in the back room with her head up her giant, Jo-Lo-like arse (this is not an insult, either) we enjoy a drink and a piece of chocky.  We pat the cats and gum flap about what’s being cooked on telly.

We potter around the garden together, and when I come home and cook dinner, she sits on the other side of the bench and watches me.  She likes to watch me cook, because I cook things that she is too scared to try.  However, after seeing me do it, she’s not so scared any more.

I come home from work, and see one of my cookbooks on the poof in the lounge; she was bored, so she helped herself to my library of cookbooks.  Bless.  ‘Would you like me to cook something out of it for you, Iris?’ ‘No; I was just reading the recipes…’ she smiles.

I don’t think the cats will cope when she leaves.  They’ve enjoyed having a lap to sit on through the day; sometimes two of them pile on her at once whilst she’s knitting and watching the cooking channel.  Even stoopid cat (Milo) likes Iris, and sleeps on her bed and even sits on her lap (miracle for this ‘stay out of my hoop’ cat).

Yet again; it is Iris.

One of my girlfriends called in to see me the other week when I was sick, and to show off her funky new car.  Her and Iris were sitting in the lounge chairs, flapping their gums like old friends, whilst I just lay there (with two cats on top of me), smiling.  Iris is really comfortable with my friends, which I know will become good friends of hers, too.

Iris is looking forward to all of the visitors dropping in to see her, now that she’s so easy to get to.  All of the new friends and family up here, waiting for her.  Her old friends that will come up for the weekend, and her new friends that work around the corner and will come and visit for lunch. 

All of the good times she will have with them over the many years to come…

All of the walks up the main street of Kilmore; all of the cuppas and salad sandwiches in Kemps Bakery; all of the Country Chicken Pies from Ferguson Plarre; all of the wool and button purchases from London Mart; all of the books from the Kilmore Book Store.

And of course; her own stoopid cat. 

I wonder how many of my family and friends will have a giggle when they pull up, or drive past Stone Manor, and see the stoopid cat sitting in the window, watching the world go by, whilst Iris is sitting in her recliner, knitting her baby clothes for the CWA, and watching the cooking channel?  This thought makes me laugh…

I know she will be happy in Kilmore; she’s excited and ready for this new challenge, but at the same time, exhausted from it all.  It’s perfect timing, her moving in now.  She will have Christmas to chillax and settle in, and I will have time off to help her unpack.

Charlie will be at the unit with her today. He’s plastering and tiling her splash back in the kitchen.  He’s also buzzing down the bottom of the doors, because the new carpet is high and fluffy and spongy, and the doors don’t swing properly.  He will assemble her funky new sofa, and connect up a telly for her.

Basically, he will fuss over her.  As I sit here typing this, Charlie and Iris are enjoying a breakfast together, yapping about what Charlie will be doing today. 

I think Charlie will miss Iris the most, and still insists that I should be the one moving out, and Iris should stay, because I’m more of a, and I quote: headfuck.


Then, as autumn comes around, Mum will be able to create her new garden in the little front yard of Stone Manor.  Roses, cottage plants, camellias and God knows what else will completely personalise that little unit, and make it really feel like home.

A new adventure begins today for Iris.  A new adventure begins for all of us, really.

How wonderful.

Peace out.

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