Wednesday 7 December 2011


My darling Auntie Jane posted the following on her Facebook wall yesterday, and although it appears to be a generic thing that’s copied from status to status, I think it speaks volumes.

Dear Australian Media,

The Bali drug boy is not a rock star. He is a convicted criminal. Stop parading him around like he just won X-Factor or something. It really is pretty simple, don't go to another country and break the bloody law... Don't even get me started on how they can then sell the "story" for bucket load of cash and set him up for life whilst normal law abiding Aussies struggle to make ends meet week in week out.

Copy this status if you believe the family doesn't deserve a cent profit from the story of this kids crime

Interesting how something so…. simple, has stirred up such emotion in people.

I happen to fully agree with what Jane has posted.  This kid is being treated like a rock star, with the media after him, his masked face being plastered all over the print media, and has apparently (and I stress apparently) signed a big money deal for a tell all story.

We seem to have overlooked the matter that he’s a criminal.  A convicted criminal.  Convicted of one of societies greatest plagues: drugs.

People out there feel sorry for the ‘Bali Boy’, because he’s only fourteen.  Oh, poor precious…

Well, forgive my sarcasm, but are you kidding me?  The fact that he’s a fourteen year old kid found in possession of drugs is nothing to feel sorry about!  Not only does he appear to know where to score them from whilst he’s overseas, but how to use it (which isn’t hard, I know).  Then, he admits that he’s been using for over a year!  WTF?

A fourteen year old pot head.  That’s all he is, and he was stupid enough to get caught.

How dumb to do have to be to travel to Bali, deal, purchase, be in possession of or use drugs?  Seriously?  You would have to be living under a rock to not know how tough the Indonesian Police are on drugs.  Just ask Shapelle Corby and The Bali Nine.  After seeing what’s happened to them, why on earth would you risk it?

I’ll tell you why; because you’re a fourteen year old, spoilt little brat that has nothing better to do, and thinks, in typical Gen Y fashion, that he can get away with it.  At fourteen years of age, his head would be so firmly shoved up his own arse, that he would have no clue of the consequences awaiting him if he were to be caught.

I wonder if that’s what he’s thinking now?  I wonder how he felt, alone in a jail cell in over the past months, facing the possibility of jail time in a foreign country. In jails that are notoriously violent and cruel. 

I wonder if he regret’s buying that pot now?  I wonder if he’s learned his lesson?

I doubt it.
The Herald Sun reported yesterday that the Bali Boy, who had told an Indonesian court that he was sorry and remorseful, was making gestures from his home to the media scrum, and his father was laughing and taking photos.

One would think that not the behaviour of someone that was sorry and ashamed of what he had done.

One would think that’s the behaviour of a dickhead.  The end.

Now the father has come out today and declared that his son has ‘matured’ and is indeed sorry for what he has done.

Yeah.  Right.  Clearly Daddy didn’t appreciate the bad publicity from the previous day. 

I wonder when Daddy will realise that everyone is just laughing at his son, because he’s become a joke.

What will the future hold for this boy?  Well, after his fifteen minutes of fame has passed, he will disappear into oblivion like the other Gen Y dickhead that stole headlines some time ago: Corey Worthington.

Where is that clown now?

Here’s a question for you: who fucken cares?

Get over yourself, Bali Boy, and get out of our faces.  We’re done.

Peace out.

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