Saturday 24 December 2011


You know what’s driving me insane at the moment?

All this bullshit about political correctness at Christmas time.  It’s Christmas, for God’s sake, not fucking ‘holidays’.

This country is based on Christianity (whether you follow it or not), and the majority should not be made to cater to the extreme minority that do not celebrate this religious event.

I banged on in a previous blog about the behaviour of the minority punishing the majority, and this is another perfect example.

We are also not AMERICAThey say holidays; Aussies say Christmas.

Our children are raised to believe in Santa Clause, sing Christmas carols, give Christmas presents and cards, go to Christmas dinner and attend Christmas mass (if that rocks your boat).

It is not swept under the rug like a dirty secret that we’re ashamed of.  It should not be modified to cater to the inconsiderate feelings of a few. 

Even the most scroogy people out there, that really hate Christmas and the bastardising commercialism of it, would agree that it shouldn’t be ‘edited’ in the name of political and religious correctness.

If you don’t like Christmas, if you don’t believe it in, then too bad!  We celebrate Christmas in this country! It’s a part of who we are! 

Getting up at the crack of dawn to open presents; sharing ham, turkey and all the trimmings at lunch time; devouring plum pudding and custard; playing back yard cricket; having a bbq at the beach; sharing the odd frothy, and watching the Chanel 9 Carols by Candlelight on Christmas Eve, then again whilst we’re having lunch on Christmas Day; it’s a part of Australian life, and shouldn’t be changed.

Going to the kids end of year Christmas concert, and watching them make an absolutely monstrous hash of traditional carols, is the best part of the festive season.  Not this modified, muted politically correct, non-offensive crap that they’re made do in some schools today.


It’s wrong!

You see, there are two issues at play here.  The first one, are the ‘well intended’.  The ones that decide, without complain or instigation from anyone other than themselves, to change things to accommodate everyone.  ‘We must try to please everybody.’

For example, the Montessori school that decided not to celebrate Christmas, for fear of offending the wide diversion of religious faiths they had attending the school. 

Here’s a news flash for you: if people are considering your school as a place to send their children, and your Christmas celebrations are of concern to them, they have a choice.  They don’t have to send their children to your school.  If they do, then they endure the Christmas shebang without complaint.

Don’t make assumptions and changes on what you fear, because yet again, the majority of innocent people suffer because of it.  It’s not fair to make the kidlets miss out on Christmas at school because of something that they simply don’t understand.

The second one, is the cultural minorities that come to this country, settle into our communities, and decide that they’re not happy with the way life rolls over here.  They don’t like Christmas, because it clashes with their own beliefs, so they complain to whoever will listen about it.  As such, we have people stumbling around trying to accommodate them, instead of saying ‘have a mug of concrete, and deal with it.’

I’m over this political correctness bullshit!  Leave Christmas alone, I say to you!  Stop making the kids miss out because of things you fear!  Stop making everyone else miss out!

Australia means Christmas celebrations of an awesome nature.  Tinsel-bombed trees, fairy lights that you have to take a second mortgage on the house to pay the power bill for, people wearing tinsel in their hair, antler headbands (I want a pair), Christmas t-shirts and little Christmas earrings, Carols by Candlelight in the local park, shortbread, gingerbread houses, mince tarts and Christmas puds. 

Good times with your family and friends.

If you don’t like it; deal.  It’s part of who we Aussies are, and we’re not going to change it.

That is all.

Peace out.

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