Saturday 24 September 2011


Is it just me, or are the days flying by?

I cannot believe it’s nearly October already! I swear; I’m still stuck in February.  WTF?

Maybe it’s a sign of me getting old?  I don’t know *sigh*… what I do know, is that life is going by too quickly.

When I was in high school, I remember the day just draaaagggginng out.  I’m sure I’m not alone when I say that I remember sitting there watching the clock as its hand’s slowly clunked toward 3.30pm.  It was like the clock was in slow friggin’ motion!  Sometimes, I swear it was going backward…

Now, it’s the extreme opposite.  One minute, I’m looking at the clock, and it’s like 9.30am.  Then next thing, I look up and it’s 4.00pm, and I’m wondering where the fuck the day has gone!

I find that I’m also losing track of the days.  Now I know this is a sign of old age. 

Last night, I was lying in bed thinking of all the awesome things I was going to do on the weekend.  I was going to work on Mum’s kitchen plans, go to Bunnings, do some gardening, out to dinner…  I was so excited!  Can you imagine how devo I was when I realised that it was actually Thursday night, and I had another day to work through before I got to all that fun stuff?  Crushed.

The other week, I woke up in the middle of the night, things running through my head that I had to do the next day, like take Jade to the bus stop, stop for fuel on the way to work, etc, then I realised, the next day was Saturday! OMG! It was the weekend!  I swear to you, I cried I was so happy!  There I was, comfy and warm in bed, crying because I was so happy it was the weekend! It was like a complete surprise!

Losing my mind, I tell you…

The one thing that this awareness of fleeting time has taught me is patience.  Patience; because I know, that whatever I’m waiting for will come at me like a steam train in the end.  One day at a time and it will come.

I remember when Mum signed the contract to sell her home in The Nong.  We organised removalists, real estate agents, packers, skips, a garage sale...  now, it’s settled and she’s been living with us for over a month now.  Five months have flown by.  Where have they gone?

The settlement on her new unit is at the end of October, and it seems like months away.  However, it’s only five weeks now…

Things come upon you so quickly, and then they’re gone.  Over in a heartbeat, just like my weekends, which are flying by too quickly for my liking. 

I wonder if it’s because I’ve developed a great appreciation of ‘time’; how little of it we have, how quickly it moves, and that it waits for no one.  Or, am I regretful of things in my life that I’m wasting my time on?  Like, could I be doing other things with my life than what I am?

Am I just wasting it?  Throwing it away?  What am I missing out on?  Am I missing anything?  If I am, I certainly have no time to dwell on it! LOL!

The seconds don’t tick over any quicker, nor do the minutes, hours, days or weeks, in comparison to when I was a child.  It’s just that… everything seems to be moving at a faster pace.

Possibly global warming.

Yeah.  I’ll blame that, like everyone else does.

Maybe it’s because, when I was a kid, I had no life pressures, no monetary worries, no places to be and things to do, no housework, no gardening, no dependants, no chores, no delays, no deadlines; just a life created by others. 

A freedom to enjoy.

Now, that freedom to enjoy is shoved into the spare seconds between a life I’ve created and a life I desire.  Is that normal?

I wonder if it’s a shift in society.  Days of going to the park or having picnics seem to be a distant memory.  Sharing quality time together, getting to know one another… not a priority any more.

Now, it’s about the thrill of experience.  Theme parks, movies, events, shows; experiences.  Sure, you share them with other people, but in the end, it’s about yourself.

And all of these things are dictated by money, transportation and time.  We cram them all into a weekend so that we feel that we’ve done something together.  But have we really?

Maybe we should just go to the local park with a pack of fish and chips and chillax? Maybe we should just go to a museum, sit in front of a picture and exhale?

Which would be the most rewarding?  Which would be the most satisfying?  The feeling of adventure, or the freedom from deadlines and time constraints?

I wonder what life would be like without time limits and deadlines.  Maybe this is what makes time travel so fast now.  Too many limitations and restrictions.  Too much pressure to get things done within a certain time frame, and no freedom to really enjoy it.

So life just passes us by.

Maybe we do need to slow down and smell the roses, as a girlfriend of mine use to say. 

Maybe we need to make changes in our lives to remove the constraints of time, and thus slow it down.


Food for thought.

However, dwelling on this day dream is not getting my housework, baking and grocery shopping done, is it?  I’m off to cram as much into my time constricted weekend as I possibly can, and somewhere in there, I hope to attain some joy.

I hope this weekend, that you can too.

Peace out.

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