Saturday 17 September 2011

9/11 FACTS

Here’s some facts I found on the website, that I thought you may find interesting.  Some of these, I didn’t know myself.

  • Each of the World Trade Centre towers contained 99 elevators and had 21,800 windows
  • At least 200 people jumped to their deaths after the planes hit the WTC.
  • Nearly 400 dogs were used in the rescue and recovery efforts at ground zero and the Pentagon.
  • President George Bush was first told the WTC had been hit by a small, twin engine aircraft, and assumed it was pilot error.
  • After the Pentagon was struck, Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld went into the parking lot to assist with rescue efforts.
  • Osama Bin Laden was barely mentioned in the top 50 biggest newspapers in the US in 1996.  In 2001, he was mentioned more than 32,000 times.
  • Inside the dust cloud created by the collapse of the towers was complete darkness.
  • Two people died from exposure to dust thrown into the air by the collapsing buildings.
  • Previously, simultaneous, multiple hijackings occurred on three planes in Czechoslovakia in the 1950’s, and on four planes bound for New York in September, 1970.
  • The terrorists on American Airlines Flight 11 sat in business and first class.
  • United 93 was rolled from left to right, and pitched up and down by the terrorist at the controls in an attempt to unbalance the passengers trying to disable the hijackers.
  • The final decisions on targets for 9-11 were left up to the terrorists on board the planes.
  • It took 9 months to remove approximately 1.6 million tonnes from the WTC.
  • Fires continued to burn for 69 days.
  • Casualties from 9-11 attacks included people from 70 countries.
  • The pile of debris after the attacks at WTC were seven storeys high.
  • The maximum heat of fires at the WTF site was 1000 C.
  • By May 2002, 19,435 body parts had been roved from Ground Zero.  Remains had been identified for about 1600 people.
  • Human remains have still not been identified for about 40% of the WTC victims.
  • The USS New York (boat) was constructed from steel from the WTC.
  • American Airlines flight 77 was carrying 37000 litres of fuel when it hit the Pentagon at high speed.

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