Thursday 1 November 2012


I think everything we fucken do know is Americanised.

I’m going to sound like a grumpy old woman, but fuck me: Halloween shit’s me.

I’m a wiccan.  Most of you know that anyway, and seeing this Halloween bullshit annoys me.


Well, in my little religious world, Halloween, or All Hallows Eve, is actually a sabbat on the Wheel of the Year, which is called Samhain.

Samhain is a period on the wheel where the veil between the living and the dead is at it’s thinnest, and you can communicate with loved ones that have been passed over, and sometimes, the loved one’s can come and visit you.

This is why we get people dressing up as ghosts and zombies and shit.  That’s where it comes from; wiccan stories of spirits walking amongst the living at this precious time of the year.

Though, where this ‘trick of treat’ thing comes from, is beyond me (and I have a fucken care factor of zero).

In my little world, Sahmain is the start of the Wheel of the Year; a period of time where we can communicate with those that have departed, and honour our dead ancestors.

In Australia, it’s celebrated on May the 1st, not October the 31st.  Why? 

Because we’re in the fucken southern hemisphere.

31st of October, on our Southern wheel, is Beltane.  A time of great festivities and celebration of life and fertility.  A time of feasting and bonfires and hand fastings (marriage) and love.  In pagan terms, it’s a celebration of the land being well and abundant, and the earth being full of spring energy.

You can see that by just looking in people’s gardens.

So at this time of year, I’m celebrating my harvests and enjoying my gardens, and thanking the universe for my annoying fucken husband.  

The rest of society is following a European/American tradition that’s been bastardised to death, which involves knocking on strangers doors, and asking for treats.  What this has to do with celebrating the dead is beyond me, and again; the fuck I gave just walked out the door.

Jade always says to me ‘you rant about Halloween every year…’ and inserts the applicable eye roll.

I just get pissy because it’s just another one of those stupid things we celebrate that’s not our own. 

However, it’s a good excuse for parents to dress their kids up and shove them onto the doorsteps of innocent people, and get them to threaten the inhabitants with a ‘trick or treat’.  Clearly, the inhabitants are so fearful of a four year old dressed up as a zombie, that they hand over candy in the hopes that they will just fuck off.

*rolls eyes

I think if I actually get a trick-or-treater at my front door, I’ll answer it in the nude.  Offering a kid candy in this state of dress will not only result in the abrupt end of trick or treating, but in me being arrested in the process.

But it’s all about the kids, isn’t it?  All about keeping them happy?  God forbid they miss out on something so significant. *rolls eyes

Jade’s never done Halloween, and she’s turned out all right.  I think.

Pffft.  Just another load of commercialised bullshit.

I’ll just go back to quietly casting circle and saying a prayer of thanks for the Goddess for my bounty (including my annoying husband) whilst the rest of the population gets diabetes from the sugar overload, and the confectionary companies laugh all the way to the bank.


*Pulls up grumpy old pants* Peace out.

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