Wednesday 19 September 2012


So, I’m back.

And I’m sorry I’ve not been blogging.

I’ve had a bit going on the last month or so, and it’s been a complete whirlwind.

A lot is happening in my simple little life, but a lot of it I can’t talk about.  Yet.  In time, I shall reveal all that’s going on in my world.

My friend Bek will be pleased to see this blog, as last week I received a rather blunt email from her advising that she’s having blog withdrawals.  I best do something about it.

When I looked at my last published blog, I was quite shocked to see that a month had slipped by so quickly.  How the fuck did the world still manage to turn whilst I stopped blogging, I ask you?

Fucked if I know.

What I do know, is that sometimes, lift just get’s in the way.

So what’s been happening?

Well…I’m a few weeks behind on my Simplify Your Life Challenges.  Even though I haven’t blogged about them, I’ve been keeping up with them.  So, I’ll bring you up to speed on that shortly.

Tennis is going well.  This week, the player I knew was in me, turned up to play.  ‘Bout fucken time, lazy cow.  She was hiding behind some lame arsed excuse, and finally fronted up; much to the oppositions disgust.

Not that I give a fat rats arse what the oppo’s think.  Fuck em.  Cop Lee in all her glory, my friends.  Yaheah!

I’m totally addicted to Puberty Blues, by the way.  I’m so glad to see the term ‘moll’ has found it’s way back into society’s vocabulary.  Well… into the vocabs of my bffl’s anyway…

Did anyone watch the revamped Dallas?  I didn’t, and it would appear that most of the nation overlooked it as well.  Fail.

Who’s gotten into Big Brother?  Not me.  As predicted, it’s full of the same self indulgent, attention seeking oxygen thieves that I thought it would be.  Though, those BB addicts will be totally loving and hating all of the overdramatic, over produced bullshit.  As long as they’re happy…

I’ve started reading the Fifty Shades of Grey trilogy.  Interesting… shall blog about that in greater detail (I’ll make sure I’m sitting in the corner in my panties when I do it….)

Sunday just gone, I participated in another sausage sizzle for the CWA.  Held it at Bunnings in Craigieburn, and needless to say, none of you fuckers turned up to buy a snag.

I slaved over a hot bbq plate for eight fucken hours… least you could have done was come and buy a fucken snag.  Tight arses.  I don’t care that you possibly live in another fucken country… that’s a lame excuse.


It was another successful day for us, and again, we were able to raise some much needed funds for our cause, and hopefully, for the betterment of the CWA charity groups and our own local community.  Good times.


Even with all of these seemingly simple things happening, my life over the past month has been a mass of contradictions.

You see, I’ve got a lot of changes happening around me at the moment; some really, really positive ones, and some not so good, and quite frankly, scary ones.  It’s been hard to find a decent balance with it all.

It’s been challenging, to say the least.

I’ve lost focus on a few things that I had in place, and have struggled to get back in touch with them all.

I’ve been writing lots of goals to combat the way I have been feeling, and that has helped me immensely.  Helped me regain my focus, so hopefully I can kick some of that shit into gear, and get my mojo back.

So, I’m sorry if you have missed me, and my absence has left a gaping hole in your life (like it has with my friend Bek, who will simply read that comment and tell me to fuck off).

I promise that I will endeavour to do more blogs sheerly for your entertainment pleasure. 

For my mate Bek, who needs to get a fucken life if she relies on my blogs (yeah I know Bek: don’t flatter myself), for my cousin that travels interstate for work and reads these blogs out to her co-workers (hey Sissy), to my Aunty Mole who has a printed collection of my favourite blogs, which apparently her husband loves, and to my other peeps that I know have read every single one of them when they’ve filtered through.

For you I shall dissect my life, push it through a mincer, and serve it up with a side dish of Rectinol.

Just for you.

Peace out.

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