Thursday 27 September 2012


Firstly, I would like to thank my friend Jane for the title of this blog. 

Though, her opinion of the 50 Shades of Grey trilogy is shared with another friend of mine, Marika.  She got 250 pages into the book, and gave up.  Bored her shitless.

Not wanting to be left out of the ‘mummy porn’ rage of 2012, and being keen to fire myself up and sexually maul my husband, I downloaded the trilogy onto my trusty kobo, with the intention of doing some ‘research’. *rolls eyes* 

At this point, I am ever thankful for my Kobo.  Plain, black little e-reader that gives you complete portability, but also complete privacy.  No one can see what I’m reading.

I could imagine myself sitting in a café, 50 Shades paperback in one hand, the cover of which is on full display to the world, with a chai latte in my other hand, frozen between the table top and my mouth, as I sit there, mouth agape, engrossed in some raunchy, overly descriptive, kinky sex-act.

The people walking past would be like ‘check out the fat old tart reading porn.’ 

Yep.  Thank heavens for my Kobo, and my preserved modesty. 

Though, EL James, the author of the porn trilogy, said that she designed the covers unlike any other ‘romance’ novel (which is usually plastered with a half naked man, with a semi naked, desperate looking woman draped all over him) to maintain the readers privacy. 

Brilliant idea, because the cover gives no indication of its contents .  Shame the entire fucking planet now knows what 50 Shades is about. 

So; 50 Shades of Grey, 50 Shades Darker, and 50 Shades Freed.  Mmm… for those of you who haven’t read this series, I’ll tell you a little about it, but I won’t spoil it for you.

Mind you, I’ve only half way through Darker at the moment, so I haven’t read the whole series myself yet.

So, 50 Shades is the story of young Anastasia Steel, who is a 21 year old virgin that lives in Seattle.  She’s just finished university/college or whatever the fuck they call it over there, and according the author, is absolutely stunning, but completely unaware of it.

Imagine that.  A collage graduate that’s 1. a virgin, and 2. so stunning she doesn’t even know it. 

Remember; this is a fantasy book… *rolls eyes*

So, Ana meets Mr Christian Grey, who is a billionaire Adonis who likes to get up to all sorts of kinky fuckery.

So, we’ve a billionaire spunk that falls for a virgin stunner.  Yep. Reality at its best.

So, the books are basically about their relationship.  That’s it.  Their relationship, and how fucked up (pardon the pun) it is.

My friend Jane read the book and wanted to report Christian for domestic violence, and slap some sense into Ana, cos she’s so fucken stupid.

My friend Marika just got bored with it all.

Me: I love it

Pushing all the smut aside, I’m fascinated by their weird relationship, and am interested to see where the hell this is going.  The books do continue on from one another, so you need to read the entire lot to get the full story.  It’s not like Harry Potter (how’s that for a contradiction), which has a happy ending (again, pardon the pun) in each book.

But I tell you this: after reading one and a half books, I’ve learnt quite a few things.

Firstly, I’ve learnt that my relationship is relatively normal, if not fucken boring.  Apparently, Charlie and I have ‘vanilla sex’.  Yep.  Vanilla sex

What is this you ask?  Let me tell you.  Is plain boring old sex without toys and whips and chains and blindfolds and kinky shit.

Yep.  Vanilla.  My favourite flavour.

I’ve also learnt that it’s apparently a turn on to get spanked, tied up and fucked in all sorts of ways, and in all sorts of places, by an obsessive control freak nymphomaniac. 

Can men be nympho’s?

I also fear if I ever go to one of my friends horse shows, that I’ll never be able to take them or a riding crop seriously again.  Ever.  In fact, I don’t think I can even look at one without blushing, let alone touch one.

Speaking of blush, if this fool Ana blushes anymore, I think I’ll slap her.  Yep, she’s a fictional character that I want to slap.  Go figure.  She’d probably enjoy it though, and her nympho boyfriend would possibly get off on that exchange as well, the sick fuck.

Says a lot about the quality of writing if I want to hurt the characters…

I’ve learnt that billionaires can play the piano like a concert pianist, fly a helicopter, a glider, drives a massive boat, can stalk really well, and live in multi-level apartments with ‘play rooms’. 

I’ve learnt that 21 year old stunning virgins stumble through life saying ‘oh my’ a lot, and incessantly blushing. *rolls eyes*

This series is nothing if not entertaining.  And eye opening.  And educational.

Fuck my life is boring.

Next time I find myself in Sexyland (?), I will certainly be looking at that joint through very different eyes.

I can’t believe that there are actually people out there that are into this S&M shit.  I don’t get it, but hey… whatever rocks your boat.

Or cracks your whip *rolls eyes*

I wonder how I can get Charlie to read the books…. Mmm…

If you’ve nothing better to do with your time, instead of sitting in judgement of losers like me with vanilla sex lives, get into 50 Shades of Grey.

You just may learn something.

Peace *cracks whip* out.

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