Friday 28 September 2012


I think by now, we’ve all heard the tragic tale of Jill Meagher. 

A beautiful young twenty-nine year old wife, snatched from the streets of Brunswick, raped, murdered, and dumped in a shallow grave in Gisborne South.

What the fuck…

It’s interesting how this case has gripped our state.  Sadly, many women have met the same, terrible fate as young Jill, but this one is resinating through us all.

It has us all asking one simple question: why?

It’s something about ‘disappearances’ that grip us.  People just vanishing, inexplicably, from their ordinary lives that’s more akin to a Hollywood script than real life.

Elizabeth Membrey, Karmen Chan, and last year, little Siriyakorn Siriboon; affectionately known as ‘Bung’.  These three people, two only children, simply vanished, ripped from their ordinary lives.  They eventually found Karmen, but Elizabeth and Bung are still missing…  robbing the families of closure.

My Facebook newsfeed today was full of status sending condolences to Jill’s family, and blessing her to rest in peace.  Strange, considering her family will more than likely not see any of these posts. 

However, it’s an outlet isn’t it?  A way of coping with the shock?  A way of publicly expressing the grief we feel, as human beings, over the suffering of a complete stranger, who was taken from this world.

And how quickly and brazenly she was taken, too.

At 1.30am on Saturday morning, she leaves a club after a work function, and staggers homeward.  She lived less than a kilometre away.

At 1.40am, she’s seen on CCTV footage staggering past the entrance of a dress shop, talking to this mysterious man in a blue hoodie.  Minutes later, she’s gone.

Gone from the streets, and soon after, one would assume, gone from this world.

What that poor woman must have gone through in the last moments of her life.  The horror.  The fear.  The desperation.  The resignation as she took her final breath…

All whilst her husband was calling her to see where she was.

He was in their apartment, less than a kilometre from where she was taken.  So close… I couldn’t even being to imagine his desperation.

Over the last couple of days, one of her work colleagues came forward, and said that he tried to convince her to let him give her a lift home.  She insisted that she was only around the corner, and she’d be safe.  How that poor bastard must be feeling today…

The positive about all of this, if there is one, is how swiftly the police found the alleged killer.  Six days.  Got ‘im. 

Sadly, not quick enough to save Jill’s life, but let’s be realistic; she would have been gone within hours, I’m guessing.  By the time they started questioning people, she would have been kissing the Gisborne South soil I’m afraid.

I think they would have known pretty quickly that it was more a matter of finding a body and a killer, than finding her alive.  This is reality after all, not a tv show.

How many of you thought, straight away, that the husband had something to do with it?

I did. *hangs head in shame*

How terrible for him.  Knowing that his beloved, beautiful wife was treated so horrendously, and taken so violently from him. 

I would suggest putting him in a locked room with the accused killer, and see what happens.  May be enough justice for us all.

Adrian Ernest Bayley.  This is a name we will remember for a while, I imagine, as we will be hearing it a lot over the next few months.  I just hope the fucker doesn’t plead ‘not guilty’, or tries to cop the ‘insanity’ plea.

Though, when you think about it, to rape and kill another human being is insane, isn’t it?  It doesn’t matter if it was pre-meditated or spontaneous; it’s not the actions of a sane person.  So should he be locked away in a padded cell forever?  Should he be removed from society, and ‘treated’?  Can he be rehabilitated?

Who cares?

My hope is that he’s thrown into a little cell where he can rot for the rest of his life, hopefully being arse fucked by a big, fat fucker with tattoo’s called ‘Bubba’.

Hopefully, the hell he’s dished out to Jill Meagher is rained down on him for an eternity.

RIP Jill Meagher.  At least they found you, sister.  At least your family can grieve now.

Peace out.

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