Sunday 18 March 2012


Gaaa…. A vision board?

I’m not one for visual stimulation, but maybe it’s time I started thinking outside the box.  So, I will take up this challenge, and create myself a vision board.

It’s taken me like five weeks to do it (you will notice that this is Week 7’s challenge, and I’ve already posted up to Week 11), but I’ve done it.

It’s funny, because there is no ‘wrong’ when it comes to something like this.  You can let your creative side run wild.  Even so, I found myself wondering if it would be ‘good enough’.

You can use pictures, words, both; whatever.  You can just stick it on cardboard (like I have) stick it on a massive poster sheet, or scrapbook it (like I know a girlfriend of mine is doing).

So, I have a good think about the board, and what I wanted to see every time I looked at it. 

I wanted a combination of things I need to focus on, things I am doing now, goals, dreams (materialistic, physical and emotional), and things I appreciate and enjoy.

So, this is what I’ve come up with.

Items are spread across the board in no particular order, but centrally, is my Wheel of Life from a few challenges ago.  I want to remain focused on this, and improve it where I can.

I’m stuck on a picture of a Mercedes, because one day, I want one.  It’s a goal… a dream… so why not?  There is a picture of an ipad, because again, I would love one.

There are references to my health, my well being, my fitness, my energy, my family, my garden, reading, music, cooking, relaxing, money, direction, diet, Hello Kitty (couldn’t resist) and re-education.

I have placed on there a fun picture of my husband and I on our wedding day, mucking around during the photo shoot.  That’s to remind me that even though there are tough times between us, we still love each other and love to have fun.

There is also a picture of a woman on there; I don’t know who she is, but this is what I would eventually like to look like.  Slim and fit.  One day, I hope to get there.

There are things I would like to do, things I would like to be, and things I need to consider.  Overall, these are the things that are important to me right now.  Dreams and desires, mixed with focus and goals.

There’s also a little room here and there should I wish to add something down the track.

It’s funny… I’ve been able to create something rather detailed and personal by simply flicking through a random selection of magazines.

Interesting how the mind works.

Peace out.

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