Thursday 27 October 2011


Well, it’s coming to that time of year again.

That time where I’m absolutely exhausted, and running on empty.

The time where I tend to get sick.

The weight of everyone else’s problems is starting to get on top of me, I think.

I have so much on the go at the moment.  Lots to do at work, lots to do at home, lots to do for CWA, and lots to do with Mum’s unit.  Plus, Jade’s also throwing her usual complications into the mix, as well.  Apparently, it’s all about her…

My head is about to explode from stress, and I’m running myself into the ground trying to get everything done.  So guess what happens: I get sick.

I was crook a couple of months ago, and found out later that I had what a few people I know were effected by: this bug that just makes you incredibly tired and dizzy.  I slept for days.

Now, I think I’ve just got a cold.  Nothing exciting.  Just a stoopid cold. 

However, it was enough to knock me on my arse for three days, and of course, miss out on a day of work (and pay).  Just what I need at this time of year.  Yay.

So, somewhere amongst the chaos, I need to find some peace and clarity, because, as everyone keeps telling me, I have to look after myself.  Easier said than done when the world around you is spinning so fast, you can barely keep up.

At Christmas time, my company shuts down for three weeks.  My plan for this imposed break: sleep my way through its entirety.  Yeah.

However, sitting here typing this, I’m so excited with the realisation that my cold has now gone to my chest, and I need to make an appointment with the doctor.  Yay.  I need to kill this bastard before it gets a tighter grip on me.

And I need lots and lots of sleep.

Ahhhh… the joys of life.

Keep well.

Peace out.

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