Tuesday 22 April 2014


The title says it all, really.

Do I have to explain it any further? Really?



So, Jade was coming to visit during the Easter school holidays.

Charlie decided that he’d book the airline tickets himself; something he’s never done before.  Not that it’s challenging or difficult, really.  Nor is Charlie stupid, by any means (even though he’s a boy).

Booking a ticket online can be daunting if it’s something you don’t do on a regular basis.  There are so many fucken options! Do you want insurance? Do you want a seat in this part of the plane (extra money)? That part of the plane (less money but no leg room)? Do you want baggage? Do you want extra baggage? Do you want food? Do you want to be able to use the fucken toilet?!  TOO MANY CHOICES!

As such, because there are so many choices, that you can actually miss some important shit if you’re not all over it.

Thus enters the wonderful Charlie-Albert.  All well-intentioned, but looking for the best bargain he can get as well.

So, I stroll into the house one day after a shift at work, and Char announces that he’s booked Jade’s flights. 

I nearly shit myself right then and there.

‘Got them off a cheap website!’ he says excitedly, and my heart just sinks.  Here we fucken go…. ‘You put the information in, and the website finds you the cheapest flights! So they’re all booked! Two different airlines, but we’ve done that before! YAY!’

‘Well done babe.  Well done.’ I say encouragingly, whilst thinking in the back of my mind, that I must remember to get some Vaseline at the supermarket, cos I’m sure I’m gonna to get fucked up the arse over this one.

Midnight, on the eve of travel.  I’d just finished packing my car for the market, and was doing my last double check, when I could hear Charlie swearing and carrying on over his fucken computer.

‘What the fuck is going on love?’ I ask.

‘I can’t find Jade’s flight details!’

‘Why not?’

‘I don’t fucken know! They won’t print and I can’t find some of them!’ poor darling, who is technology challenged, is somewhat stressed.

‘How come you haven’t printed them before now?’

‘I fucken did! But I can’t find them…’

‘That’s because your desk resembles a backyard abortion.’

‘I don’t need a fucken lecture from you!’

‘I’m not lecturing,’ I say calmly.  ‘I’m stating the fucken obvious.  Get out of the way, and let me have a look…’

Five minutes later, I’ve the itineraries printed out for him, and even dare to ask him why the fuck hadn’t stuck them on the fridge (cos that’s what I would have done – stupid me).

‘Not everyone is a control freak like you!’ he cries.

‘I’m not a control freak, love.  I just like to be organised so I’m not fucking around with flight details at midnight on the eve of fucken travel.  You arse hat.’

So, the day of travel comes, and Charlie gets a phone call from Jade.  She’s at the airport, and her mum is having a conniption fit, because the ticket he purchased doesn’t include baggage.

Gee; what a surprise. 

So after chatting with the chick from Virgin Airlines, who very politely pointed out that no baggage was selected, Charlie has to fork over an extra $70 to get Jade’s ridiculously heavy suit case, which is no doubt full of crap, on the plane.

Fucken winner.

‘It’s still cheaper than paying full fare!’ he declared when he called to tell me what happened.  ‘So it’s all good.’

‘You’re a fucktard.’ Was my only comment. 

Now, I’ve said before that Charlie is not a stupid man.  He’s a dumbarse, which most boys are, but not stupid.  There is a difference. I actually believe he is quite intelligent.  However, doing shit online is new to him, and even I, who would class myself as computer savvy, and experienced with online shit, finds myself double checking shit when booking flights.  Charlie would have been very easily confused.

No harm done.  Everything was fixed up, and Jade was on her way.

However, this little hiccup was nothing compared to the shit we were to face for her return flight home.

Peace out xo

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